My First Grow - White Widow Max


Hey all. Just recently officially joined RIU, but have been using its information for quite sometime now. In fact, this entire grow, is complete. Now that I am a member, I thought I would post some pictures of how everything turned out.

It was certainly a learning experience!! I made several mistakes along the way, yet with some luck, and a lot of patience, I was able to finish.

I used a Glowpanel / Glowpanel 45, and 400w HPS.

I had something like 6 White Widow Max / 3 Random Seed Strains / 2 Strawberry plants (which i moved outside,... felt they were kind of pointless and taking up space / nutes)

Here are my pics.


At this point in my grow I decided to switch from the multi-terraced pots from Home Depot, to a tray style top feed system.

This was... well this isn't the way successful trays work lol...



Here again, I switched methods. This is the method I found worked best for me, and I stayed with for the rest of the process.


I think I was able to fix my browser issue.

Tragedy struck towards the end of these photos. I ended up psyching myself out, and killed 6 of the 8 plants. I was worried, living in an apt, that I was running to high of a risk, and that it was too hot an OP. This, in hind sight, was probably a major over reaction, but I was fresh out of the services w PTSD. I definitely let the 'fear' get to me.

I took pictures of the root masses, more so for my own pride. This was my first time growing a plant period, so seeing those roots so healthy and white really made me happy (considering they were going to be killed...)

Either way, I finished the 2 biggest and tried an extraction process with the 6 others (made butter, which was not potent, but was effective).

Since then I have moved back west to avoid this from happening again.



Flowering Stage

I was not prepared for what came next...

My 5 foot tent,... ha... ha ha... I ended up using the tent as a Net to support the plants as they grew to be ~6 feet tall. (massive considering I was using a 4' by 5' closet.)



Flower Stage

