My first Journal


So just a little more info on my grow. I separated all of my seeds by strain and let them soak in cups of water for 18 hours. I then transferred them to paper towels. I ensured by PH levels were solid and drenched my seeds in water to rest for the next 55 hours. Now just another 48. :)

I have a homemade clone setup that can hold roughly 50 seedlings at a time until they're ready to be transferred to my Veg room. It is two containers pieced together to create a "home" if you will. Tin foil for lined on the inside. There is a velcro "Door" in the front so that you may have access. As well as a 4' fan that is mounted inside.
Using a single strip T5 fluorescent light. I think I may bump up to two T5's if I feel one isn't doing the job for these next babies.

My Veg room consist of being a closet with an 8Bulb T5. Oscillating fan. Thermostat. I have had no need yet for CO2 in the Veg room, and I run my AC inside my house so the temperature sits around 77\72 throughout the day and night. Roughly holds 25, 1 gallon pots or around 10, 3 gallon pots.

I then have my 4x4x8 grow tent. As of right now I just have one of my mothers inside of there beginning to flower out. I have a 600w HPS light with 600w ballast. 1 oscillating fan, 1 stable fan, and running temperature controlled AC from the outside of the tent ran into the tent.Thermostat with humidity controls. 6' exh fan with ducting.
Room stays between 68/76. Depending on light schedules.. etc..

Pics will come tomorrow. Apologies for being so lazy...


Today its hour 55 and im checking on my seeds.
5 Animal cookies seeds-4 have opened.
10 Humbolt Lemon-0 have opened.
2 Safari Mix-1 have opened.
Big bud- 0 have opened
Herijuana X Majestic- 2 have opened.

Hoping tomorrow brings lighter days :)



This is my clone setup. It seems to work for me for now :)


Here is my VEG. room! open to suggestions if anyone has experience with closets with only one entrance for air.
But for now its working great.

Flower pics later. :)



Today a couple of these bad boys opened up and were ready to be put in some rockwool. I know not the greatest pics but you get the point. :) I think im going to get a bigger clone setup today. :)


update here: sorry about the wait everyone, been super busy with school and managing these babies myself. But here are some pics to post for where im at now.

I recently went to my local hydro store to pick up some onesies and twosies and the owner there turned me on to the company Aptus. Aptus makes this great product setup. Their names are startbooster,facilitator. I cant remember the name of the other two. Ill have to grab them later or when I post a little later as well. But anyways, As you can see the babies are doing quite fine. They have been growing as if they were using steroids. This stuff is amazing and I dont think I could ever go back to not using it. I mean even my two in the test hydro setup have grown 3-4 inches in 10 days. No im not promoting them although it sounds like it, I would just for people to have the same experience. And dont feel to bad when you see the price, if you do the math, for how much you use its not bad at all. Now back to the grow.... All my babies are looking great, growing faster than expected (due to altus) so its a great ride to sit back and watch the change.