My first LSD experience

Now that the experience is wearing off, I'm not entirely sure what my mind was telling me. Go back to Wiccan? I found that I was in the mood/mindset to try a spell, because I was so easily put in a trance. But Hindu is a more evolved form of that, in my mind. Really, I think all religions are the same as they all have the same basic principles. Should I get out more, be in nature? So many questions, and it feels as though I've barely scratched the surface.

Religion in my point of view is a joke, all people do is fight over that bullshit.
I have no problem with what you do, my brother is also wiccan, perfectly normal.

but the Answer to religion is everyone is the same. Thats the key, your god, your buddah, your ali..
Its all the same, but different cultures, people swear their in religion but they fight over it and clearly have no understanding whatso ever.
I did shrooms, changed my life.
I said fuck all that religion shit. "Im part of the universe, no matter what happens to me I know I will be used for good. My soul will rebirth or not. Hopefully my dead body can give a bunch of rats food." Dont think of the rats as bad, but as just plain simple life. Everything is a CYCLE. Stuff never gets thrown away. Universe is the same.
It never expands. people says it does but it doesnt.

They say the univserse expands at light speed.
If the universe is going light speed then how can i see the stars at night?
Got carried away. Lost where i was at but im just going to click on reply now..
Religion in my point of view is a joke, all people do is fight over that bullshit.
I have no problem with what you do, my brother is also wiccan, perfectly normal.

but the Answer to religion is everyone is the same. Thats the key, your god, your buddah, your ali..
Its all the same, but different cultures, people swear their in religion but they fight over it and clearly have no understanding whatso ever.
I did shrooms, changed my life.
I said fuck all that religion shit. "Im part of the universe, no matter what happens to me I know I will be used for good. My soul will rebirth or not. Hopefully my dead body can give a bunch of rats food." Dont think of the rats as bad, but as just plain simple life. Everything is a CYCLE. Stuff never gets thrown away. Universe is the same.
It never expands. people says it does but it doesnt.

They say the univserse expands at light speed.
If the universe is going light speed then how can i see the stars at night?
Got carried away. Lost where i was at but im just going to click on reply now..

I totally agree with you, religion is all the same and defining ourselves by one or the other is really just asking for a fight. I feel people need to start realizing that they are all the same, with the same basis in beliefs. I had said this earlier in this thread. I used to be Wiccan and am now mostly Hindu. I pretty much take things from each that I believe in and make it my own, as I feel we should all do.

Life and everything around us IS a cycle. That is what drew me to Hindu so much. They believe that the earth, the universe, people, everything, goes through cycles. When it starts to become it's most chaotic is right before there is a huge event, and everything slows back down. Hindu's, and myself, believe our world is at the end of one of these cycles. That's also the basis for their rebirth, and reincarnation. They believe we are all connected, down to the basic molecules, with EVERYTHING else, and this is why we could be reincarnated as another creature. It's also why they harm no living thing. It is almost the more "extreme" version of Wicca, or what Wicca started out as being (Paganism). Most of what Hindu's believe really falls in line with my thoughts and feelings. Sorry if this sounded like preaching, that is not my intention at all. I just like giving information about it, as not many people know everything it entails.

As I said, I am a lot Hindu, a little Wiccan, maybe a little rasta, and even a very small amount Christian (as that's how I was raised.) I believe being able to name what I believe to others lets people understand, in a way. It's also a lot easier, rather than going through my entire thought process of beliefs I can just name a few things off, lol.
Ahh Annabel Lee ...
Are You picking on parts of religions to fit IN ... or to belong ?
Or simply subscribe ... to some ideas ... just so YOU might identify ... to a tangible concepts of thought ?


Why not start YOUr OWN ?
Religion that is ...

Come join us. ;)


We are not about religion my FrIEND. ;)
Just ideas associated by names for easier comprehension.

Welcome, Annabel Lee, and thank you for the wonderful trip report. It's rare that a first time tripper is able to provide such a detailed account of their experience. Usually, you have to be tripping to make sense of a virgin's trip report, but yours was extremely clear and well written! Congrats on your first time!

Da'at, you're a lucky guy to have such a wife! Its great that you two were able to share such a powerful experience. I'm in need of an L trip myself! But that will have to wait until the end of the summer semester. In the meanwhile, I like to live vicariously by reading the trip reports of others. Once again, yours was excellent Annabel Lee!

On the topic of tattoos, I think they are awesome! To be able to feel strongly enough about ANYTHING and have it permanently fixed to your body is very cool. I've never gotten a tattoo, and I don't think I ever will. I can't think of a single thing that I feel so strongly about that I would want it placed on my body. What's wrong with me?!?!?!
Welcome, Annabel Lee, and thank you for the wonderful trip report. It's rare that a first time tripper is able to provide such a detailed account of their experience. Usually, you have to be tripping to make sense of a virgin's trip report, but yours was extremely clear and well written! Congrats on your first time!

Da'at, you're a lucky guy to have such a wife! Its great that you two were able to share such a powerful experience. I'm in need of an L trip myself! But that will have to wait until the end of the summer semester. In the meanwhile, I like to live vicariously by reading the trip reports of others. Once again, yours was excellent Annabel Lee!

On the topic of tattoos, I think they are awesome! To be able to feel strongly enough about ANYTHING and have it permanently fixed to your body is very cool. I've never gotten a tattoo, and I don't think I ever will. I can't think of a single thing that I feel so strongly about that I would want it placed on my body. What's wrong with me?!?!?!

Thank you, as well, for the kind words. I am very analytic and see myself as extremely logical. In a way, it can ruin things such as this for me because I am always analyzing and can't really just let myself enjoy things. I wanted to try and convey my thoughts and feelings during the whole trip, and tried my best. However, some things are slightly muddled from what I felt, because there really are no words to describe it, but I did the best of my ability with what words I have. :)

Onto tattoos, I didn't do very well choosing my first. It's a dinky butterfly in a predictable area. It doesn't look very good and I'm now wishing I could get something else there to cover it. However, my other tattoos are very meaningful to me and I always will love them. Although they are fading, and I will have to get them touched up at some point when I have funds, I still love them as much as when I first got them. As I sad before, I have the Eye of Horus and Eye of Rah, a beautiful naked woman Angel and naked woman Devil. The placement of the women is actually extremely predictable, given the nature of the tattoos, but oh well. My plans for the future are to get some kind of tattoo representing my wonderful daughter. Her name, birth date, weight and height at birth. The reason for weight and height is because hers were even. Exactly so many pounds and exactly so many inches. It's quite odd to have that happen, and I'd like to incorporate it. I feel so frustrated about trying to find the "perfect" icon of her and what I felt the day she was born, something that isn't "popular" or "normal." I may end up going to an artist and saying, "Ok, this is what I want in this tattoo, you draw something you feel is fitting to me and my personality."
if you ever do it again, look at a bath towel closely. the small strings sway back and forth like a field of grass. the one i used was green and all folded up, and it felt like i was holding a piece of the earth in my hand. it was pretty magical haha
First I will say Welcome Annabel!
The dynamic of a personal relationship existing among two poster of board is interesting to say the least.
Could lead to interesting discussions no doubt.

I am glad to hear you had a great time on LSD. It is certainly a favorite of mine. I have tried katamine for the first few times this week. Have one more test to do with it before my trip report is done.

Many good times ahead to you and yours!
i don't care what religion you are as long as you don't preach to me all day...religion is like a penis: it's okay to have one, and it's okay to be proud of it....just don't go waving it around in my face and try and shove it down my throat :) no but seriously - to all the krishnas: can we please find new lyrics other than Hare krishna, krishna krishna, hare hare, hare gets really old after the first hour of chanting...ugh......anyways, your first acid trip sounds better than mine - where we watched as our friend got held down and tazed by several cops and taken to a mental institution where he woke up the next day in a straight jacket...