Nice Ol Bud
Well-Known Member
Now that the experience is wearing off, I'm not entirely sure what my mind was telling me. Go back to Wiccan? I found that I was in the mood/mindset to try a spell, because I was so easily put in a trance. But Hindu is a more evolved form of that, in my mind. Really, I think all religions are the same as they all have the same basic principles. Should I get out more, be in nature? So many questions, and it feels as though I've barely scratched the surface.
Religion in my point of view is a joke, all people do is fight over that bullshit.
I have no problem with what you do, my brother is also wiccan, perfectly normal.
but the Answer to religion is everyone is the same. Thats the key, your god, your buddah, your ali..
Its all the same, but different cultures, people swear their in religion but they fight over it and clearly have no understanding whatso ever.
I did shrooms, changed my life.
I said fuck all that religion shit. "Im part of the universe, no matter what happens to me I know I will be used for good. My soul will rebirth or not. Hopefully my dead body can give a bunch of rats food." Dont think of the rats as bad, but as just plain simple life. Everything is a CYCLE. Stuff never gets thrown away. Universe is the same.
It never expands. people says it does but it doesnt.
They say the univserse expands at light speed.
If the universe is going light speed then how can i see the stars at night?
Got carried away. Lost where i was at but im just going to click on reply now..