My First Organic Grow - 1000 watt


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Week one

6 clones brought home on aug. 7th (2 purple diesel 2 Holy grail Kush 1 super girl 1 blackberry kush)
I kept one plant from last time. My god's gift. Been trying to clone and veg it but not having the best luck.
She did seem to want to flower under 15-16 hours light. So that's the issue I'm currently working on. Taking almost two months to fully recover from partial flower. It looks like a mutant. I'm trying to veg under 24 hour light now.

This round I have decided to go completely organic for the life of the soil. In the past I bought my dirt at walmart. Never again.

So far I used Black gold on the gods gifts and I just bought a 2.5cf bag of down to earth pro organic mix with lots of microbes.
I mixed in a couple cups of azomite and alphalpha meal. That is what the new clones are in.

My city water report says 150ppm and .02-.04ppm chloramine. I looked at fish tank drops, carbon filters, hauling 0ppm water. My conclusion was that there is plenty of carbon in compost tea. I can grow bacteria in there just fine. Long brown filaments. So that is my precaution before putting the water on the roots. Just keeping a rubbermaid bubbling and fresh smelling with earth, alphalpa, and molasses. My question is though. If I am using less then a tablespoon molasses per 5 gallon of water and bubbling for 12-72 hours, can I feed feed feed feed? All organic. light on the ingredients. I just dont want to pour straight tap into my pots of not cheap dirt. I also dont want to carry 100 gallon jugs up three flights of stairs.

My timeling goal as of right now.

August: Inoculation, waiting for temps to get out of the 90's
September: Strong veg, clone, pot up
October: Flip, stretch
November: Ripen
December: Get a better spot.

I will do my best to post an update every week. I will be checking for your advice, comments, and questions more frequently.
Thank you.


Active Member
Would you guys help me figure out what my next ingredient should be in my ACT. I was thinking possibly high nitro poop mix from DownToEarth?
Also what should my watering schedule be like. Am I still letting them get super dry and light but not wilted?

Can I water with a little molasses, soil, alfalfa, every single time?


Active Member
I threw in some cut off leaves and Jobe's 4-4-4 to the tea. I also got rid of the sock and decided to just mix it all straight into the water. It smells a little like soap. It has shiny soapy bubbles too. I watered one plant to test it out first.


Active Member
They are starting to grow fast. My clones that are two months old are growing roots and have been. But they are more stuck in a non-growth flower mode then thier mother. I might toss them, get some real clone supplies and try again on all 5 strains when they are ready to produce new moms and for a 2'x2' spot directly under the light. I want tall bushes on the outside and a mini sog on the inside I think. my spot is 4.5'x5.5'. 5' under bulb 8' ceiling. I have an 8 cfl fixture I use in the room also. The cfls raise and lower but the 1000 watt will not.


Active Member
I really hope I hit 500 grams this time. Last two times was with god's gift 350 grams then 300 grams. I was using GH nutes and walmart dirt. Live and learn. I also vegged for 4-6 weeks and flowered 6-8 weeks. This time I am going organic (from the hydro store) and vegging 7 and flowering 9 but with 5 strains. 90-60% indica.
Wish me luck.
And please help me out.


Active Member
Week 2
I just watered them and cut their heads off.
Let me know what you think.

I bought a cloner dome. I am just going to use some coco pellets and light compost tea.
I also bought a 5lb. bag of EWC. I will use it for top dress and tea making through veg.

temps are finally chilling out. It has been 75-90 in there. Not a problem keeping it at 85 with the 1000 watt on for 12 hours a day. 80 the rest of the day with 150 watt cfl.
I'll leave it off for a week though while my clones root and the plants recover from the stress.



Active Member
I went in there this morning and saw my leaves showing signs of something. Looks like a cal/mag/potassium thing. This is the 4th time I've grown start to finish. And I see the same symptoms every time. I just haven't figured it out yet. I will start plain water and begin a different mix. Leave out the banana peal next time (;

The first one to catch my eye was my Diesel. and then I noticed they all look a little a little off today.



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I did also just cut 15 clones in the last couple days so they are lagging. I am just so sick of not nailing a good feed system.
My last grow pictures...that was Feb to May


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excess Nitrogen locks out K and cal. I was very happy to get a response over in the infirmary. So I did a test and sure enough. I have the claw, k lock and cal lock.


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I just wanted to say I dont feel like taking pictures today. Maybe tomorrow. They look outstanding. I was just given the whole line of West Coast Horticulture, OMRI approved, liquid organic line. 7 1 gallon jugs. The guy at the hydro store was extremely generous.
I also bought a brick of coco to cut my soil 50/50.


Active Member
Day 28 veg
They have all been doing great in spite of their minor problems. The god's gift looks like it might have low ph. The holy grail kush is def sensative to over nitrogen. And they are all showing a little over nitrogen still. But Not really freaking out about it because they are all over growing my room quickly. The clones are not going to be a complete loss. But they took two weeks. Not fast enough to keep up with these ladies. So I will let them sit out until next round.

Up above.....
The first picture is NYPurpD never been cut. Let grow natural. It is the strongest.
2nd Blackberry Kush. The most indica dominate it appears.
3rd holy grail kush most sativa suprisingly.
4th Gods gift. Started in May. 15 gallon pot. Tied down.
5th A side shot of another holy grail and PurpD
6th Super girl.

Marty Wanna

Active Member
I think Im going to have to flower soon. Some plants are getting too big. Thats good right ?

....for once.
VERY Good! rec. those plants look awesome! Big and lush. Be ready for the stretch when you go 12/12. they're gonna get BIG!

So I'm figuring you watered in the pots and didn't do hydro? if so, Maybe you want to Flush the pots with like 3x the volume of the medium, of water. I read somewhere that sometimes too much feeding, presents like not enough feeding. the plants can't take in nutes because something is hindering that flow. The flush is supposed to bring everybody back to strong turgor.

I flushed anyway when I went 12/12 to ge the Nutes high in P and roll back the N.

your mileage may vary. Looks good though!



Active Member
Thank you. I have been a little reluctant to do a big flush for fear of hurting microbes. But This last watering I did set them up on a milk crate in a tub to runnoff. I am noticing that this nutrient line is just as salty as any of the chems. They are getting watered every 2-3 days. It is more along the lines of soil instead of hydro. Except It is a lot harder to over water and it dries out faster. I am enjoying the coco.
I have not put plain water in them at all to be honest. I treat all my water with a minimum of EWC and Bubbles.
This allows everything to cycle and stabilize
Most importantly

9 out of 15 clones are still alive. I was quick to kill. I did see roots. its been 2 weeks. I may throw a couple or three, four into the flower room just to have samples cooking. But those will be my next batch of clones for next round. transplanting tomorrow.

12/12 starts in about 3 hours and counting.

My next watering for clones and sexy mamma's is working. 10 gallons tap water 2 tablespoons each EWC and Dirt.
Afterwards I will begin with the phosphurus bumps.