My first proper indoor effort - OG growing OG Kush 'n' Cheese dina fem


I've already kind of intro'd myself last weekend on a couple threads in newb areas. I'm determined to produce my own herb. I've never had access to high quality product before, and with getting older comes the time to slow down and have something nice for the pains of young and foolish adventures :peace:.

For right now I don't have much to work with for vegging except 8 cfls @6500K ( 2 x 40 real watt and 6 x 23 watt).. have 2 hanging over the starter pots and 3 on each side to try to give the plants as much light as I can with what I have.

KnC veg cfl setup 1.jpgKnC veg cfl setup 2.jpg

I have a wish list of many grow items including a cloner, flowering tent, fan with carbon filter etc. I will be growing in my spare bedroom in my apt on the second floor and venting the flowering air out through my bedroom on the other side of the house in the back.

For now I have light, mg organic soil in cups, my cfl's on 18/6. I also got a few sativa seeds from the local bush weed from a buddy a few days ago, germed them for 2 days until 7 popped and put them in soil under the lights last night. As soon as some of those sativa's come up, I'm turning the room into flower with a light change to 2700k and 12/12 and flower them until ready.

I want to get a cycle completed soon as possible for the experience and to have some smoke. I use it for Chrohn's and depression relief. Anyways, my plan is also to test re-vegging. I'm going to harvest the buds, then transplant the girls back into fresh nitro soil, and trim the roots back then run 18/6 6500K light again. By that time, I should have the money I'm hoping for from disability, and can buy a flowering rig. Then start cloning the best mothers, and have a nice little steady crop every 3 months.

That is the game plan. I never tried to grow things before, but I'm seeing multiple levels of appeal and pride in cultivating good MJ.

Thanks in advance for views and comments that may come. I am a firm believer in constant learning and upgrading your knowledge base and skill sets no matter the age.

Pics from last weekend with them being 2 weeks old from seed. I had 4 less lights the first 2 weeks.

KnC 2 wk old from seed plant   (1).jpgKnC 2 wk old from seed plant (2).jpgKnC 2 wk old from seed plant (6).jpgKnC 2 wk old from seed plant (7).jpg

These are from today, which makes the girls 3 weeks old now. I am hoping I can do the strain justice and grow some decent cola's with good frosting and potency. I've never had any weed of noteworthy quality, not even when friends go to sources growing it themselves and they buy pounds of it.

KnC 3 wo #1a.jpgKnC 3 wo #1aa.jpgKnC 3 wo #1b.jpgKnC 3 wo #1d.jpgKnC 3 wo #2a.jpgKnC 3 wo #2aa.jpgKnC 3 wo #2b.jpgKnC 3 wo #2c.jpgKnC 3 wo #2d.jpgKnC 3 wo #3a.jpgKnC 3 wo #3aa.jpgKnC 3 wo #3b.jpgKnC 3 wo #3c.jpgKnC 3 wo #3d.jpgKnC 3 wo the 3 girls 1.jpg

What a great hobby for retirement :weed:

edit: the extra images below here are dupes of some of my attachments. I am writing this in the edit screen and can't find extra instances of those pics as suggested once I have submitted this post. SIA.....



4 week old update. had to hang some sticky tapes and spray a couple of times for fungus gnats which came with the MG potting soil. I know there is better and I intend to get my girls better lights, soil, nutes etc. I have the time, just not the money atm.

My goal is to grow enough medicine for pleasant smoking, and to make my own oil concentrates for daily ingestion to treat my IBD and depression. Doctor's won't sign off for MM up here yet.

I flipped the girls to 12/12 the day of these pics. I have 5 x 40w cfl and 3 x 23w cfl on them. Due to availability and money, 5 of them are 6500k and 3 are 2700k.

Plant 1

KnC 4wo stflw #1b.jpgKnC 4wo stflw #1c.jpg

Plant 2

KnC 4wo stflw #2c.jpgKnC 4wo stflw #2d.jpgKnC 4wo stflw #2g.jpg

Plant 3

KnC 4wo stflw #3c.jpgKnC 4wo stflw #3d.jpgKnC 4wo stflw #3e.jpg

In the pics below the plants are now 6 weeks old with 2 weeks into flowering. I've been trying LST to open up more canopy and bud sites. I fed the girls some MG liquid 8-4-6 . I used 1ml from a dropper in 1.5l pitchers of water.

Being inexperienced, I think the yellowing on the leaves this week is nute burn? I could sure use some advice on what I can do to get them 100% happy. Its been 3 days since I watered/fed and the girls are almost ready for more fluids. My guess is to give them a good flushing?

Plant 1

KnC 6wo 2wk flw 1b.jpgKnC 6wo 2wk flw 1c.jpgKnC 6wo 2wk flw 1d.jpgKnC 6wo 2wk flw 1e.jpgKnC 6wo 2wk flw 1f.jpg

Plant 2

KnC 6wo 2wk flw 2b.jpgKnC 6wo 2wk flw 2c.jpgKnC 6wo 2wk flw 2d.jpgKnC 6wo 2wk flw 2e.jpg

Plant 3

KnC 6wo 2wk flw 3a.jpgKnC 6wo 2wk flw 3b.jpgKnC 6wo 2wk flw 3c.jpgKnC 6wo 2wk flw 3e.jpg

Happy Holidays to all at RIU and happy harvests in the new year.



Active Member
Hello. They look like theyre coming along nice for a beginner. As long as they are green and alive, we're good!! Do flush em! Only advice I have, which is more of an opinion, is invest in some perlite to add to your soil with your next grow. I usually mix it in at a 50/50 ratio.

....Haha. Who am I kidding. I dump one bag into the other!! Seedlings love perlite. It helps them develop strong roots and retains good amounts of moisture. And mj loves nice and airy soil. Again, the perlite provides this. As far as your lights go, keep em nice and close with a fan or two blowing on em if possible to help with heat. Spectrum wise, its good to mix em up as far as daylight cfls and the warm white for flower.

A lil nute burn never hurt, but make sure its taken care of. Does your soil have nutes already? If not its good you started to feed em. Just make sure for future reference start out at about 1/4 strength. And work up to full. Full strength might kill your plants if given too early. Also invest in some sort of ph reader. I use the drops because the electric meters are a little pricy. Im getting by fine with them. Keep on with the veg nutes for about another week, then you should find a bloom nutrient. But like you said. Flush first!!!

I too have a kush n cheese going. Started on the 4th of this month. Been flowering for a week now. I have a tad bit more expirience with the plant, but its my first sucess from seed so far. I usually just flowered clones but I have a nice little seed collection going on so I figured Id give em a shot. Last time i popped some seeds was about 2 years ago. I killed every last one of them...:(. Haha. Its lookin a lot better this time around though. Maybe I'll snap a pic later when the lights are on. I was able to top em and get about 3-4 tops a plant. The bottom branches just shot straight up!