My friend has breast cancer,what is the best weed to grow for her??


Well-Known Member
I have a friend of mine who was diaganosed w/breast cancer @18months ago.She's goin through chemo and is sick as hell.She's been smoking erb now since her treatment began,but told me last night that the weed she has now is good,but doesnt always do it for her.I've been a smoker & a grower for years but never grew pot for meds.I have read in articles in the past about what erb is good for different aliments,but really paid no attention about it,since i wasnt growing "medicial pot".
My Question is for a person who has cancer,what would the best pot for me to grow for her????Would a different strain have different effects on a persons particulair needs for that time. depression,nausea,and vomiting & overall feeling like shit.Any advice would be greatful Thanx:peace:


Well-Known Member
ohhh, i feel sorry for her. I know that white widow is a good medical plant, but otherwise i dont know nothing.

Hope all go's the best it can for your friend !


Well-Known Member
OK,Thanx for the feed back.I know from personal expeirence that white widow & AK-47 are powerful smoke.I also think that ak is a hybrid b'tween white widow & white russian,but not 100% sure.Thanx to Mrskitz fot that link.I live in the NE USA,most of the strains that i saw were "sativa strain dominant".I dont think i would be able to grow anything more than 50& sativa in my area,cause s'times we get early cold weather.How hard would it be to grow a "pure sativa" indoors????When height would be an issue.
I 've mainly grow indica/kush strains because they are smaller in statue and are easier to camo outdoors.I dont think i could get away w/growin a pure or more than 50% sativa outdoors.I do have an indoor area to grow but never grew indoors during the summer months.I quess i could start them outdoors in pots & then move inside to flower in early to mid summer.I do have T-5s & many cfls in the red spectrum.Would that work.Ialso have a HPS 400w,but will produce too much heat.Keep up w/the feed back,Please.It's hard to watch your buddies die.