My gf of a year has dumped me


Well-Known Member
My god...I'm outta here before we have to call security...maybe we should have a personal issues forum???

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
but his idea of a date is get high and send his mom to get us mcdonalds while we sit and watch some stupid fuckin movie cuz hes too lazy to get get it himself.

To IMDGK.... if this ^^^ is true then you've got a problem! It's one thing to lay around and veg out doing nothing occasionally.... but no one likes a lazy ass who does it all the time. Also sending mommy to fetch your food.... IS really pathetic!

I'm not trying to be mean.... but perhaps it's time to make some changes. Finish high school (or at least get your GED) and get on with LIVING your life.... which ... btw... having your stoned ass glued to the couch 24/7 is NOT living!

someone give me one good fuckin reason to date him!
he dropped out, no job, lives at home
im finishing high school, college bound, and im in the process of getting a job

Good for you girl! Finish school.... go to college.... you have your whole life ahead of you. You can't change someone who doesn't want to change.... you can only make yourself happy by removing yourself from the situation.

Good luck :peace:



Well-Known Member
And these are the days of out lives...

Don't let them lie to you man, if you want to sit around and do nothing all the time then do it. There's nothing wrong with that, you still have to take care of yourself though. Get a job, get a place, and look foward to the time when you get to sit around and do nothing.


Well-Known Member
the reason she is so mean is becuase she can be. she knows she's got you to fall back on. you should never be with someone who is mean to you.If it was me I would reverse the shit on her.Your best bet is to never answer her phone calls and try to ignore her in every possible way.yea its a game but your young and its all game.once she realizes your not fucking around about never talking to her or having anything to do with her. she will be at your door step.begging for you.and thats when you become the man of the house and start running the show.woman are different remember woman do the opposite.If you love her to much and baby her she over it,your pushy.I hate to say it but when your a dick they kinda like it inn a not saying be an asshole but be a little distant and ack like you dont care. you got to show her that your not scared to move on with your life.what are the things she flipps out about?


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, this reaks of a bad situation I'd cut contact and get on with thing's, get yourself sorted though man get a job and a place you'll feel better in the long run..

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
she will be at your door step.begging for you.and thats when you become the man of the house and start running the show.

I wouldn't bet money on that. From what she's posted.... sounds like she has her shit together and is more then ready to move on without him.

Look.... not all women are spineless twits who let a man run all over them and treat them like crap. Women do tend to compromise more.... work harder at making the relationship work.... but you are mistaken if you think that means we settle for being a doormat.

Perhaps the 14 year olds you date let you run the show... but grown up women do not put up with this type of "I'm the man, what I say goes" CRAPPOLA! It's 2008... not 1948.... and we don't have to settle for a lazy ass couch potato... we are more then capable of taking care of ourselves.



Well-Known Member
I wouldn't bet money on that. From what she's posted.... sounds like she has her shit together and is more then ready to move on without him.

Look.... not all women are spineless twits who let a man run all over them and treat them like crap. Women do tend to compromise more.... work harder at making the relationship work.... but you are mistaken if you think that means we settle for being a doormat.

Perhaps the 14 year olds you date let you run the show... but grown up women do not put up with this type of "I'm the man, what I say goes" CRAPPOLA! It's 2008... not 1948.... and we don't have to settle for a lazy ass couch potato... we are more then capable of taking care of ourselves.


sad to say but unless human women become hermie, men will have the power. We have the penis, we create the babies, you women are the submissive. This is what makes life and the world go round. Stop fighting it. And men embrace your power over women it is instinctual and correct.
Women accept your place as childbearers and submissives. - Vote Bearo in '08 : )


Well-Known Member
I fucked her --- really I did dump that girl she gets around like a record.

Yes I know both of you -- she has a freckle (birth mark) on her left breast right under the nipple.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
sad to say but unless human women become hermie, men will have the power. We have the penis, we create the babies, you women are the submissive. This is what makes life and the world go round. Stop fighting it. And men embrace your power over women it is instinctual and correct.
Women accept your place as childbearers and submissives. - Vote Bearo in '08 : )

ROLF!!!! Ahhh thanks for that... I really needed a good laugh this morning!!!

BTW.... I think the kind of girl you seek is a trashy uneducated gal who is willing to hang out in your trailer with you waiting for the welfare check. I'm sure she'll let you decide how to spend it.

Personally, I prefer to date a grown up MAN who is looking for a true equal partner to go through life's ups and down with.... not some little boy looking for a woman he can boss around.



Well-Known Member
Yeah Florida Girl, Bearo must be living in a cave or some shit... the ignorance of people in this world/country is hilarious. Jriggs must've gotten it too hard in the butt or something cause he's acting hard on the internets and trying to cause shit... which we all know is pointless and Jriggs you'll find yourself blacklisted on this forum real quick. DGK, take her out... get off your ass, get a job... go back to school, or lose her... that simple really.


Well-Known Member
this probably has nothing todo with u
but i have to say it

You Cant Turn a Hoe Into No Housewife
many have tried none have succeded, many people think they can accomplish this task ,but yet they always just end up hurt.....this is a losing battle give up now while you still have some dignity


Well-Known Member
ROLF!!!! Ahhh thanks for that... I really needed a good laugh this morning!!!

BTW.... I think the kind of girl you seek is a trashy uneducated gal who is willing to hang out in your trailer with you waiting for the welfare check. I'm sure she'll let you decide how to spend it.

Personally, I prefer to date a grown up MAN who is looking for a true equal partner to go through life's ups and down with.... not some little boy looking for a woman he can boss around.
Right on! Nothing more sexy than a woman with a mind of her own. lmao on the trailer and welfare check comment. Good stuff!


Well-Known Member
sad to say but unless human women become hermie, men will have the power. We have the penis, we create the babies, you women are the submissive. This is what makes life and the world go round. Stop fighting it. And men embrace your power over women it is instinctual and correct.
Women accept your place as childbearers and submissives. - Vote Bearo in '08 : )
You know pretty much every violent,malicious,unwelcome act committed towards women begin with a shitty thought like that.Damn bearo,evolve much?:-|