My Grow Box w/ pictures !


Active Member
Hey guys!

I have five main questions among my project outline, and the questions are all in bold and they are numbered 1-5.

Also this is my first time, and i'm not sure if I am considering everything correctly and whether this will work... please also include general comments and as much information as possible on what I am trying to do.

My grow box:

So I have obtained a sun systems 400 w lamp w/ switchable ballast hps/mh.

I also obtained a 170 cfm duct inline 4'' blower and will have it sitting on top of the box, concealed by another box, blowing out the exhaust. I would like to dampen the sound as much as possible and suggestions on that would be good as well.

The box I have is a two door plastic utility cabinet that is 38 1/2 inches tall by 30 inches wide by 19 inches deep.

So here are my issues.....

Temperature issues-

I have noticed that both the hps and mh reaches temperatures of ~120+ F. It isn't a big box to contain all of that heat, but hopefully once I have cut the duct up top, the blower (which surprisingly isn't too loud) will keep things cool. I plan to also cover the blower with another plastic box for stealthiness. (1) Let me know if you think this exhaust system is maybe overkill and could I do it with less?

Light distribution-

I will be installing reflective mylar material or whatever that shiny stuff is that people put in their car's front window. The box is not lightproof so i'll need reflective material and a combination of dark plastic to block the light. Some of my friends are telling me that white is the better color, and i'm not sure about heat, etc, once I install the reflective material. (2) What is the best material/color for this (considering the small space with the 400 w), mylar or what? And where do I get the stuff?

I'm considering installing two 12 inch flourescent square fixtures on each side of the unit. Should this be unneccessary with the mh for vegging and hps for flowering?

Air filter -

I have not yet installed an air filter or really committed to a design. I would need to place it on top of the unit ducted in along with the blower, so I won't have a lot of space for it. I'm going to caulk the insides of the box to make it fairly sealed and i'm thinking activated charcoal and an intake vent. (3) Is it better to buy one of the pre-made filters or is a homemade filter a viable option? If so, what teks can I use to make it that don't take much space?

Ebb and Flow System-

I'm going to install the ebb and flow system, and i've been shopping everywhere for a proper tray to no avail. The cement mixing trays at the local home depot just barely don't fit. My box is 30 in. wide and 19 in. deep.. those are the box dimensions so I guess the inside is just a few inches smaller on each side. I want a tray that is maybe around 6 in. deep and can use most of that space. I don't want to spend 40 bucks on a plastic tray, either. (4) Where can I find a good tray that will fit the 30w x 19d floor? Also i'm planning on putting the reserviour underneath the shelf, which gives me not much room for a big one. (5) Would a 2 gallon reservior be good enough for this scale?

You can see down there in the pictures the reflector and blower on top of the unit (haven't actually cut the hole yet so I still have options) and also the shelf on the lowest rung under which I barely have enough room for the ballast and I am hoping to squeeze a small reserviour tank.

I appreciate your comments!



Well-Known Member
how much room do your plants have to grow? you're going to need to keep that 400w light about a foot away from the tops of your plants and it looks like between the hydro system and your light - you only have about a foot of room for the plants? that doesn't sound like enough space to me - unless you do some very small strain or LST or something like that.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, I am fairly new myself, but I tend to have good ideas that work, so I will only beable to help out a little.

(1) Let me know if you think this exhaust system is maybe overkill and could I do it with less?
No I don't, such a confined space, including the gathering heat will need a good exhaust system, if you are still looking for ways to quiet it down a bit, Simple styrofoam sheets between the unit itself and the plastic casing around it, will dull the reverberations within the space, deafening some of the sound.

While I am thinking about it, with such a powerful exhaust system going, I would recommend going simple on the air intake, choose any wall of the cabinent and cut two, 1 1/2- 2 inch diameter holes side by side, toward the bottom of the wall, do not worry about installing fans here, the suction alone will bring in good air if you caulk/tape it up nice and good. To keep critters out of your holes, simple back porch screen squares duct taped to the inside over the holes will do.

(2)What is the best material/color for this (considering the small space with the 400 w), mylar or what? And where do I get the stuff?
Considering the heat you will be having inside this confined space, dull mylar (bought at any DIY store) or just a basic interir plain white paint job (also bought at any DIY store) should do just fine.

(3) Is it better to buy one of the pre-made filters or is a homemade filter a viable option? If so, what teks can I use to make it that don't take much space?
I do not know much about filters, but I most likely wouldn't use one myself, so if you think you need, just out of better judgement of a fully working product, I would say buy one, and I have heard carbon filters are damn good for almost anything.

(4) Where can I find a good tray that will fit the 30w x 19d floor?
One thing comes to my mind... moms kitchen. Or walmart, which is the same, I remember when I lived with my parents, my mom had a HUGE deep dish cookie pan thing, I am sure you could find one at least close to your requirements, if not, it can't be that complicated to make one.

Unfortunately, i wouldn't have the first clue, hope my info helps, and I also hope that it is good, although I have given some of the same advice to friends and it has worked perfectly.

Good Luck, When you get a Journal, PM me and I will watch that one.


Active Member
Yeah size is a concern. I based my system loosely on the one in this picture. Actually now that I look at it is has the exact same cab from h.d. (They take a 60 dollar plastic cab & put 1 cfl in it with a computer fan and sell it for 450 on eBay)

I may be able to get another couple inches pulling the light up, and the tray at the bottom could come out netting another 6-8 inches or so... but then with the reserviour side-by-side instead of below I wouldn't know what to do about drainage.

Anyway is this realistic?

Can one grow with hps/mh in a 38.5 inch cab?

I'm using maybe 6 inches on top to hang the light and maybe six inches from the bottom to the shelf, add in 4-5 inche ebb & flow tray.. so i've got just under two feet for the plants to grow tall. This wouldn't be so bad if the plants didn't need that much clearance from the light... the question is how big is this issue? I really don't want to have to scrap the idea just yet, but given that I have extremely limited space is this a feasable idea?



Active Member
Alright, fuck it.

Nobody here seems to be chiming in to say that it can or can't be done, and i'm starting to have my doubts now about such a short cab. I don't feel like wasting my time or energy on this when I could start over and do something better.

I'm scrapping this project.

I'll post again once I have something better.


Well-Known Member
i think you can have a small 2-3 plant grow using CFLs in a confined space. but if you want to use HIDs, you gotta plan for the heat and room between the light and the plants.