My grow is going terribly wrong...


Active Member
:-|Whats up everybody? I have decided to post my problems on here for all of you to see if you can help me figure out whats goin on.

I have 2 plants currently growing. One is at day 24 (continuous light cycle) and the other is at day 12. Day 12 plant (FuFu) is doing O.K. except for her little tips are turning yellow and her whole tint is kind of a lime green. Very bright compared to my first plant at the same stage. I accidentally fed her nutes when she was still a seedling, so that might explain that. The nutes were 24/8/16!!

My oldest, Suzy Q, is not doing so great. She has been limp and droopy for the past week or so (possibly overwatered?), so I stopped giving her water until I noticed the soil was dry 4" deep. She was given 1/2 liter of pure water in a 3 gal. pot.

Another issue with Suzy Q is that this morning I noticed some little pods forming.:cry: She has not left veggie mode and light has not been changed from 24/0 except for one day I put her on 12/12 then noticed her overwater problem. So, this brings us closer to another round of...


..exciting. I am getting sad now thinking that my baby could be a boy. Nevertheless, I will take this grow experience for what it was and still love my child ;] This is a superdank bagseed and I would like to get some seeds from him and keep breeding...

See pictures below for more detail... (sorry for the shitty quality, its a cellphone camera :blsmoke: )

Thank you to anyone who responds.

.See my grow at



Active Member
..thanks for that link. I have already read all that. I just need to be reassured or confirmed that my plant is a male/female. This is my first grow and this sexing thing can be tricky in the early stages? I guess I'll wait a couple days for pistils to show up. If not, i'm calling poor Suzy Q a boy.


Well-Known Member
Without a good camera to show us you're just going to have to wait for them to develop more.

BTW it's normal for some plants to start showing their sex during veg

As for overwatering, if thats what you think it is then dont give the plant any water until it perks up again. If it really starts getting super bad looking then its probably underwatering (though you usually have a good idea if you underwatered)