My grow room setup - Need advice


New Member
Hey guys, first time growers here in the UK. We've only been researching for a couple of days, and we're looking for some advice. So this is what we thought of doing. We would appreciate any corrections and recommendations on our set up, below is what we plan to do. We will be growing indoors and only just 3-4 plants.

What we plan to use:
fox farm nutrients
organic coco peat, coco coir (
fluorescent light bulb 150w to 200w
HID light bulb 250w to 1000w
tap water
foil as a reflector

We have the seeds, which we will germinate with a damp paper towel till it sprouts, in which then we plant into a plastic cup with the coco. We will be using the fluorescent lightbulb for a few weeks and we'll use the foil as reflectors to intensify the light. we water with tap water as needed until close to vegetative state in which then we transfer the plants to a pot and then we switch to a HID light bulb, and also from then on start to use the fox farm nutrients.

We're not hardcore growers, so were just going with the basics for now. If anyone could give me basic tips to improve the grow, that would be greatly helpful. A few questions i have are, how much nutrients do we use and when? Also, would coco be good to use as a medium, I heard people saying it contains no nutes at all, so we have to provide all of it. (If coco is not a good option, would biobizz all-mix be good to use? heard someone say it is good but not sure)

Grow Ro

Lose the foil an get mylar. Foil create hot spots. You should try using PH water. Put plants in 3-5 gal buckets/pots.


Well-Known Member
i just skimmed through your post musta missed it, basic and cheap really do go hand in hand, grow ro is right the foil will only hamper you - burns, hot spots and some serious heat - what you really want is go onto greenshorticulture and look for the diamond grow sheeting, this is basic you are not going the get the heat stress and the hot spots you will with soil.

want your grow rooms humidity up ? find a little cup place a couple sticks in it and fill with water, place a couple of these cups around and it'll bring the humidity up.

tap water will be the main problem i can see you'll have (depending on your area of the UK is also a problem). youll have hard water to contend with and the fact us Brits put shit loads of fluoride and chlorine in our water so you will have to leave it over night (or 24hrs is best) to allow these both to evaporate. take it seriously when i say water will be your biggest concern and ive just lost 5 plants due to poor water in the area i live in, your best beat and this isn't cheap is buy volvic water from your local shop this is at the right ph and has some added extras.
first step is to lose the "we" and get with "me".

#1 rule of Fight Club?

No matter how tight you and your bros are, there will always be a dick measuring contest. Eliminate all problems and grow by yourself. Think your girl wont turn you in? wait till she is busted for doing something stupid, she will sing like a bird to reduce her time. Grow on your own and do not tell anyone of your plans...more for you to have in the end.


Well-Known Member
One thing you'll find when surfing here and other grow-sites is that there's about as many differing and opposing opinions as there are growers. Sadly there's also a ton of chest-thumping, misinformation, and trolls that make getting a clear picture of how to grow difficult. I call it informational-overload.

Your focus on keeping it simple is the correct path for a first grow. Make it your mission just to keep the plants alive and you will have a higher degree of success. Instead of wondering what to do, you may want to focus on the mistakes all new growers seem to do....and not do those. Don't over-water. Don't give too much nutrients too soon. Don't put your lights so close you'll burn your plants. Don't try advanced growing techniques your first grow.

I've never grown in coco so my input on this medium is worthless. Find someone on here that you feel is doing a good job of growing and follow how they do things and that will save you a ton of mistakes.


Well-Known Member
first step is to lose the "we" and get with "me".

#1 rule of Fight Club?

No matter how tight you and your bros are, there will always be a dick measuring contest. Eliminate all problems and grow by yourself. Think your girl wont turn you in? wait till she is busted for doing something stupid, she will sing like a bird to reduce her time. Grow on your own and do not tell anyone of your plans...more for you to have in the end.

very very well said !


New Member
tap water will be the main problem i can see you'll have (depending on your area of the UK is also a problem).
Would a normal filterer be able to get rid of all the fluoride and chlorine? Just wondering, I still don't mind leaving the water out for 24 hrs. Also thanks about the grow sheeting, I'll get it.

Lilroach: Don't over-water. Don't give too much nutrients too soon. Don't put your lights so close you'll burn your plants
Thanks about that, could you tell me how much nutrients I should put and at what times?


Well-Known Member
Would a normal filterer be able to get rid of all the fluoride and chlorine? Just wondering, I still don't mind leaving the water out for 24 hrs. Also thanks about the grow sheeting, I'll get it.

Thanks about that, could you tell me how much nutrients I should put and at what times?
You're growing in coco that has no nutrient values and I have never grown in coco, so I really can't answer you on that. Add to that the fact that there's a shit-load of variables to determine when and how much. The type of nutrients, the strain of weed, the grow medium, etc. etc. all are factors that have to be considered.

All I can tell you what I know to work for me. I grow in mostly Happy Frog soil. I give veg nutrients twice before putting 'em into 12/12....once after a month (1/2 strength), and then 2-3 weeks later (full strength). I use General Organics during veg, and Jack's Classic Bloom booster in flower.

I like soil just because it's a good buffer against mistakes, has plenty of nutrients to start out with, and it's what I've grown in since the start. I know great growers that use coco with great results.

You will read a ton about PH levels, and unless you have very hard well-water, chasing the "perfect" PH is a waste of time. If it's good enough for our consumption, and is good enough to water your garden, it's good enough for weed. This goes for chlorine too....there's no scientific proof that using tap water with chlorine has any negative effect on growing pot. There are sooooo many perpetuated myths here and elsewhere that once these myths are repeated enough, it's taken as fact.

I know that there are many that disagree, and that's fine....but too often we make growing weed much more difficult than it pot is indeed a weed and there's nothing mystical about growing it. Too often it's the grower that causes so many of their headaches.

I am not even close to being an expert as I still am making mistakes. I don't even expect you to take what I say as true. Once you get your first grow harvested, you can experiment for yourself on which way you want to grow....just don't take anything you read on here as gospel.....learn from your own mistakes and successes. Finding someone on here that has a bunch of successful grows on here and asking them for help can help you tweak your grows.....I did and my yields went from one ounce per plant to three ounces per plant very quickly. I'm now striving for four ounces per.

Feel free to PM me and I'll share what I've learned personally. I won't tell you something I don't know first-hand.


first step is to lose the "we" and get with "me".

#1 rule of Fight Club?

No matter how tight you and your bros are, there will always be a dick measuring contest. Eliminate all problems and grow by yourself. Think your girl wont turn you in? wait till she is busted for doing something stupid, she will sing like a bird to reduce her time. Grow on your own and do not tell anyone of your plans...more for you to have in the end.
Best advice ever.


Well-Known Member
Would a normal filterer be able to get rid of all the fluoride and chlorine? Just wondering, I still don't mind leaving the water out for 24 hrs. Also thanks about the grow sheeting, I'll get it.

Thanks about that, could you tell me how much nutrients I should put and at what times?
im sure if you look up the filter it will tell you exactly whats in the water, i understand what lil rouch means by the myth of tap water because i dont take everyones word for it i (personal preference) just use bottled water as it states exactly whats in the water and how much then i know exactly what im putting into my girls and if there are any problems finding the nutes will be much easier.