My Indoor


Well-Known Member
Hows my durban doing. shes on a real slow grow, shes porbly about 3 months and 2 weeks or something like that. my grow lux 120w just broke so i replaced it with a 60w cfl untill i get a better one, any one suggest a lightbulb from homehard ware. thats the only place were i can get lgihts in town. any ways how much longer the buds are starting to become more fatter each week and more thc crystles are forming on the leafs near the bud. i have been giving her a haircut (cutting off the fan leafs or leafs creating any shade over the buds) evry couple weeks. and brown hairs are starting to form and pop out. would you say a couple more weeks or so?

please send the reply or post, i need this info really bad.:joint::?



Well-Known Member
Cutting off fans leaves is a no no, unless they are dead. Might explain the slow grow.

Your plants still have a long ways to go... probably another month.