My Introduction Thread


Active Member
hi everyone i stumbled upon this site like im sure many of you have i started growing and started looking stuff up and found this amazing place this is my first grow so ill give you the low down on whats happening and what has happened already i would include pics but i dont have a camera sorry i know that would help you guys help me out so anyway here it goes: my and my friends where high and found the seeds that you occasionaly find in your pot so my friend lets just call him "tyler" thought it was a good idea to plant them so i didnt think it would work worth jack shit but i watered them occasionally and overall kinda ignored them because i thought there was a snowballs chance in hell this would work and then a few day ago i noticed soemthigngrowing out of the pot we put them in i thought maybe it wasjust some weeds that got into the pot or something but then i typed in marijuana sproutlings into the all knowing google and thats how i found this place i found some pics of what the sprouts look like and finally decided we were growing weed so ive read the entirety of a couple threads already and everyone seems to take rally good care of their plants and bend over backwards for them so i still think it's funny that i havent done jack shit but water em a couple times and they are looking happy and healthy so hopefully if i just keep doing what im doing itll keep working...dont fi it if ti aint broke right? but we have to move them to a different house since my house is not an ideal set up so hopefully i can get some help from someone who really knows what they are doing but anyway im happy to be here and hope to stick around for awhile and my name stands for Big Comfy Couch because i have a big comfy couch that tyler and i always smoke weed on and it's starting to become renouned around the pot smoking community here in my town so if everything really looks lik it's going good ill open up a new thread purley dedicated to the growing time line and hopefuly get some pics up for the process if not definitly the end productthaks again! peace!

ciao suckas