my lady 7 weeks into flower


Well-Known Member
shes "nugget bagseed" w/e i found the seed in very prime bud, rare seed.
started budding juuly 18. planted her in early may. FFOF, and have been feeding with compost teas and teas made from guano EWC's and molasses
im thinking ive got 3-4 weeks+ since its a sativa strain, im pretty sure. they take longer if im not mistaken.
sorry the pics suck taken with my blackberry, lost charger to my camera
lemme know what you guys think IMG00197.jpgIMG00199.jpgIMG00201.jpgIMG00198.jpgIMG00202.jpg


Active Member
Three to four sounds about right, could be even 4-6 weeks, but you must check the trichome ratio to tell when it is ready to harvest. This is the best indicator for ripeness.


Well-Known Member
heres an update
i found my camera charger so theyre better quality and its a couple days later
plantici 001.JPGplantici 002.JPGplantici 005.JPGplantici 004.JPGplantici 008.JPGplantici 013.JPGplantici 012.JPGplantici 014.JPGplantici 011_picnik.jpgplantici 007.JPG


Well-Known Member
also if anybody has any idea what strain this might be that'd be kinda fun to guess. i know its sativa. its out of a sensimilla nugget bag, rare seed (60 an eighth, i know its expensive here) she got pollinated, or maybe she may have gotten seeds herself it got very hot here and dry and she would dry out every morning before i could wake my ass up and water her. that may have stressed her making her have seeds, altho not pollinated. shes my only plant, outdoors so rouge pollen could have drifted around. idk but she has seeds :( she still looks fire tho! :) im hopin for early to mid october harvest. unless frost comes real early. i dont think octover is early enough


Well-Known Member
yea just bought that a few hours ago
works awesome, takes a little bit to get used to... you know, focusing it and stuff. but its pretty simple it was like 14.00 (tax included)
make sure you have 2 AAA batteries tho
most of the trichomes are still clear and dont have bulbs on them. i have some pretty godly nugget that im lookin at under the microscope and it looks so damn cool


Well-Known Member
heres a little update too 8 weeks into flower
planticus 8 weeks 002.JPGplanticus 8 weeks 001.JPG
sorry i cant get amazing up close pics. my camera is from like 2002 and is only 3.2 megapixles =(