My leaves are discolored! Stickies not helping


Active Member
OK so i looked at the sticky threads before posting this but i dont want to depend my harvest on a marijuana cheat sheet. I BELIEVE its a lack of nutrients but im not sure. Im running a 400watt hps a few weeks into flowering.

this is the condition of the plants, if there is something needed to know i can share

A few plants have leaves with brown patches - mainly in middle of fan leaves, very dry and almost withering.
one plant, my largest, has no brown but this minor yellowing


Staff member
how do you expect help with orange tinted photos
how can we tell exactly whats wrong without proper photos.
please repost natural light photos.


Active Member
been feeding fox farms trio, only did 2 feedings so far.

3 tsp of big bloom
3 tsp of Grow big (alternating feeds)
2 tsp of tigerbloom

i switched to tblspns yesterday because i believed i wasnt feeding enough


Active Member
i planted them in foxfarms ocean forest soil with light warrior mixed so i thought i would have time before feeding.. but i admit i did not store the soil properly before transplanting into large pots (i stored soil directly in a cardboard box with bottom of box lined in plastic), so maybe the organic components did not remain and i am now behind on feeding??


Well-Known Member
I guess you don't know the PPM of your feed water? The plant looked OK before you started to feed? Where on the plant did it start? Bottom, middle, top? Do you use Calmag or something similar?


Active Member
the discoloration started about 6 weeks from germ just before i transplanted into larger pots and flowered, mostly towards the bottom/middle and it might be starting to climb upwards..
So ive been giving the plants distilled water because there are minerals in my tap water that i was afraid to use on plants. i checked PH of distilled water for the first time today and its def too acidic and i havent been adjusting it..
im thinking that weeks of that distilled water with too low a PH has prevented plants from taking in nutes?


Active Member
its more fun for me to watch you guys guess..........and like i said before they only believe what they want 2
woody ur very disrespectful. why dont you just talk TO me on my thread and stop talking ABOUT me. you must be on this site to troll people instead of help