My leaves curling up, fading yellow


Active Member
The leaves on my royal critical are fading yellow and rapidly moving up the plant, any ideas what it looks like it could be (IDon't know the PH)???20130128_184912.jpg20130128_184847.jpg20130128_184833.jpg20130128_184747.jpg20130128_184738.jpg20130128_184626.jpg20130128_184721.jpg


Active Member
Yellowing leaves in late flowering is normal but it looks like you're only a few weeks in so my best guess is PH issues/nutrient lockout: you need to flush.

Ps get a ph meter, only costs a tenner from amazon.

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
I'm having the same thing on my plant, started about 4-5 days ago, just hit week 4 in flower (11 week strain). Growing in coco coir, could it be the PH? As the leaves are curing up light a curvy claw..

Don't mean to hi-jack ur thready dude.


Well-Known Member
CHECK YOUR PH LEVELS GUYS!!!! Different strains grow very differently. So PH is your number 1 priority . If PH levels are fine, then its just lack of nitrogen .

EDIT: It can also be spider mites drinking the juice out of your leaves, check and examine leaves carefully to see if you can see black dots behind or even on top of the LARGE leaves. If there is , take care of the problem immediately.


Active Member
I've order a ph tester and i plan on transplanting into new soil tonight, Is it ok to transplant when half way through flower?

Astral Zoom

Active Member
i would not advise it... you can always change soil qualities .. but if its root bound you have no choice...

a good way is to cut the container down the side and peel it off of the soil.. =no transplant shock if you careful


Well-Known Member
Don't waste a good container....just transplant when dry....get the whole rootball..very easy.


Active Member
i remember when i first started, i freaked when my flowering plants started the natureal process of fading, and dropping leaves. heck, last night, i went out to my girls. my four godbud plants, gave up two handfulls of leaves. and they are only just past their 4th week into flower. its natural. unless you have burned them, they dont look in to drastic a shape.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Leaves yellowing from the tip moving inward, starting at the bottom and moving up the plant, magnesium deficient IMO. Dont see any signs what so ever of a pH problem. And sorry guys but there is nothing natural about a cannabis plant shedding/yellowing of leaves late in flower. If your plants are yellowing and shedding leaves at any time during its growth cycle you have issues....