My Lil Ladies Are Lookin SICK! PLEASE HELP!


Active Member
Hello guys and gals of the Ganja Community! This is my first post and am in dire need of some assistance. Now, my plants are about 2.5to 3 months old now. There are 4 of them in an attic and have been doing quite well untill about 1.5 to 2 weeks ago. Here are some photos I took a few weeks ago of them being nice and happy.

I do not think the pics are working correctlyso I will place links

The problems started accuring around the same time they started to develope 7 leaves. Started out as yellow tipping and a little curling on the edges and a little drooping. Now the problem has escaladed to some serious sick looking leaves. Here are some links to some sick looking ones.

I do not know if this is a nute problem over watering or God knows what. Let me give you some back ground info. They re about 24 inches tall now. Im using 2x 18inch indoor plant growing lights and 2 high efficiency condenced flourecient bulds. The soil they are in is a MiracleGrow soil (yes ive heard places not to use them, but then again ive heard it dont matter) and MiracleGrow white lil rock shit. Its about 60 to 70% soil and rest the rock stuff. They are in 8 inch pots which seem to be doin fine for them. Earlier in their vegitaton i was giving them a 30-10-10 fert to help along in the veg stage but have slowed down greatly even before the problems came up. I do not check the ph of the water very often becuase I use the same bottled water everytime and the ph everytime i tested it was very consistant. We were giving them around 8 floz every 3 days but have not turned to 8 floz every 2 to see if it make a difference. Made a slight turn for better but not to the extend wanted.

Please help a father see his lil ladies grow to be big and smelly, please! And please try not to use too much abreviated words, its hard to understand for me!


New Member
what is your pH?

you using tap water?
look up your utility provider's tap water information page it will tell you the pH of your tap. Its probably too high


Well-Known Member
what is your pH?

you using tap water?
look up your utility provider's tap water information page it will tell you the pH of your tap. Its probably too high
i am a big fan of NEVER using tap water. if you are best to buy some good clean water.

i think you might be over watering your plants. let your soil get completely dry in between waterings. if you have a good soil mix you rarely have to add nutrients. so if you are adding nutrients every watering you are feeding them way too much. I'm not sure of your feeding schedule, just letting you know


Active Member
Sorry to take so long to get back to you guys, but i clearly state in the orignal post that I use bottled water and the ph is about 6.4 to 6.6. Also stated above I originally water them every 3 days untill the problem occured and then started watering a little more often about every 2 days, which helped a little bit but will start doing it less again. and no, Im not using nutes everytime, just about every third watering.


Well-Known Member
I may have spotted your error. Does your soil have time realeased fert. in it? If so that fertilizer would have probably lasted the entire veg stage. You may have caused nute burn by adding more nutes. I'm not totally sure but this may be it. Maybe wait for someone to back me up.

Also, if you are using time released fertilizer, I have heard of people burning their plants by using too much water thus releasing too much nutes. Not completely sure if any of this helps, hope it does.. PeAcE MaN


Well-Known Member
looks to be a combination of nute burn, over watering, heat stress, and even chlorine, but u use bottle water, not sure completely, BudJunky has a very valid point MG contians elemnts, added ferts, thats why we dont use it, try to get peat free soil, its very low on nutes, if any at all, that way your added fertz are used up, try flushing your plants ALOT, change soil, get some proper NPK leveled nutes, and you'll be fine they will recover, those leaves look to be deformed and growing funny, id cut it off , good luck,


Active Member
As of now we have been just using plain water with no nutes, every other day, and that has been clearing up on some of the discoloring and have been growing healthier 7 leaves. Soon Im gonna try to find some organic soils at ace or home depot. Any ideas on some mixes?


Well-Known Member
Set the ph of the tap water if you have a storage tank of water up there then put a pump in it it will airate the water set the ph around 5.0/5,5 i never go higer than this then if it does rise alittle then you will be ok.also always have some kind a bug bomb at the ready when growing in any area like this sooner or later you will get the dreded spider mites.get some nutrients into the plants shit man you are the only way the plant can acccess water and food so feed them.and your asking whats wrong come on dude.


Active Member
They don't look too bad. The leaves are in good shape, no drooping, and the burn is at the leaves. Its nute burn, compounded by overwatering. Let it dry some and definitely no more added nutes. If you can get a pH and TDS meter, that would give even better indication. But they are not that bad. Good luck.


Active Member
The diagnosis and Most of the above advice is good, but I have to tell you this. Those plants will have a hard time producing flowers. The will bounce back and you could reveg them. It will take more time then starting some more seeds. If those where the last Skunk #1's on the planet it would be worth it. Consider it lesson number 1. The next ones will be much better.

One thing I noticed from the before pictures though, they seemed very stretched out. Your description of lighting used sounded like you have some incandescent grow bulbs, These are not good for anything. Get some small CFL's to replace them 23 w or get some BIG CFL's 200W.

Keep it up.:joint:


Well-Known Member
looks to be a combination of nute burn, over watering, heat stress, and even chlorine, but u use bottle water, not sure completely, BudJunky has a very valid point MG contians elemnts, added ferts, thats why we dont use it, try to get peat free soil, its very low on nutes, if any at all, that way your added fertz are used up, try flushing your plants ALOT, change soil, get some proper NPK leveled nutes, and you'll be fine they will recover, those leaves look to be deformed and growing funny, id cut it off , good luck,
I 100% agree


Active Member
DaBull, am starting to believe that it is def nute burn. And I must ask, what is a TDS meter? Also, Any idea of what kinda nutes its getting too much of?
MorboCreep, I plan on changing out the soil and regulate the nutes a little better w/o the miracle grow bull$**t in hopes of clearing up the burns. You say that they are stretced out, as in too tall and not bushy enough? s that why you say it will have a hard time flowering? Any advise on how to bush them out at this time? And should I waitfor the burn to clear? The lighting Im using is actually 2x 18 inch FLOURESENT Grow bulbs that are vertical to the sides of them with 2 overhead 75w CFLs. That sound better? As you can tell I have alot of questions about this since it is my first grow and would like to see it get to at least one flowering cycle.