My little big jungle - First Time Growers

Hello fellow growers !
Me and my girlfriend are beginning a grow project here in our house, we intend to do a Outdoor/Indoor mix, because we have lots of space and good sunlight.

We live in Brazil... so it´s hot and wet here...
It´s our first time growing though I have research a lot on the net to (try) know what we´re doing
We bought some seeds from Attitude last week... probably gonna get it by the end of this week. Meanwhile we´re preparing the growing media and installing the lamp.

So that is the idea...

10x White Widow
10x Maui Waui
10x Ak-48

Fem Blue Hash

5L Pots for germ/beggining of veg
25L Pots for flowering

400w Metal Halide

Growing Media
20% Black Soil
20% Peat Substrate (it has some vermiculite and perlite)
20% of Worm Casting
10% Pine Bark (small, chopped)
15% Coconut powder + fiber (boiled and then chopped)
5% Castor bean (not sure the name in english, it´s a organic stuff with lots of nitrogen in it)

There´s some lime too... for the PH.

Set up
Going for 24/0, at night with the lamp and at day on sunlight for the whole veg... then going to put plants on 12/12 (sun only) two at a time to flower... while the others keeps growing.

We probably gonna get some clones from the females to plant direct on the ground with no vases... but this is for the near future.

That´s it... gonna put some photos next week.
So if you guys have any suggestions I´m glad to hear it because it´s my first time :bigjoint:

Love and Peace !

Here is the link for the Discussion thread: