My medical grow


I have vascular necrosis in both my wrists. They were going to cut my hand off... No WAY! some days I can't even button my pants up but weed is there and is the only thing that can treat what i have. For god sakes i don't want to take advil all my life! I know for a fact weed is more safe then an advil, or any kind of aspirin. Prohibition STOPS NOW! I don't understand why people have to take more harmful substances for their body when weed is there...damn I wish laws would change cause it would be better for your health, buttom line. millions won't believe me but you should know that those that are not cowards don't carry guns and speak the truth to their fullest ability.
Plants from left to right, White Island, Superstar, Afghan Kush Auto. My Cool tube is hooked up to an air conditioner so no heat output whatso ever. I can have my lights as close to my plants as i want.

I'm really impressed with the "world of seeds: afghan kush auto. Its been flowering for 2 weeks and buds are already thick ashell I can't believe it! Im using a 600w sunspot bulb in this home made closet. Its not painted yet, I have flat white but no primer. Could i just use the paint without the primer, or do i have to make a trip to the store? I can't tell if my other 2 plants are male or female but the afghan kush damn i never seen a plant grow and flower so fast.

