My new room (a blank slate)

So the wifey & I cleaned out a room we were just using for storage, and will begin putting our new grow room together.

The first thing I am going to do, (and the only thing I have been able to come to a certain conclusion on) is to cover the walls with Mylar or PandaFilm.

So.. if this were your blank slate.. what would you do?

The room is basically 11x11 .
IMAG0198.jpgIMAG0197.jpg IMAG0199.jpg
pull the wood paneling, the heat and humidity will warp them anyway. move the electrical to the bottom so the cords are not running down the walls. find your studs in the walls and ceiling, 16" off center, and start hanging some eye hooks to hold your lights and ventilation. Do you have a good spot to throw your exhaust, a window or the ceiling if it goes to your attic.
That large of a room you can cut it in half with a simple sheet pf panda film down the middle and use one side as a veg room and the other for flower but make sure they are light proof.
Pull the carpet and paint the floor red so it reflects the light back to the underside of your plants. If you plan on CO@ have a place to keep the tanks so the dont get too heated.
thanks man. I will be exhausting the room into the attic. And my hope is I can pull enough air from the A/C vent to keep the room cool, and supplied with enough air. I have thought about adding a second vent in the room from the A/C ? if anyone out there has a room like this, I'd love to know the opinions on if you think I would need a second vent from the A/C to keep the room supplied with enough air.

I will be tearing out the carpet. I had not heard of red on the floor before. Why red over something like white or reflective material?

I will probably be adding Co2 I'm just not sure where my budget will end. I want to make sure to not pinch my pennies on the lights. Just not sure which way to go there yet either. Will two 1000w lights be enough? or will I need 4? I will be pulling the heat from these laps into the attic as well.

Should I mount the ballasts in the attic, or keep them in the room? Or in the closet of the room? I'm thinking of putting a cloner in the closet?


Well-Known Member
Drop the C02 until you have to room dialed in. Dunno about painting the floor red.... never heard of that one either. During the winter you can put the ballast in the attic but the summer months are just to hot imo. 2 - 1000watt lights will be good for starting out, that will allow you to get a idea of how the room handles heat ect...
ah.. so the ballasts will get to hot in the attic in the summer? hadn't thought about that. I guess I'll keep them in the room then.


Active Member
How much do you plan on growing? I would say 5 or more should have 2 lights for veg and 2 lights for flower if your splitting the room. This is based on what i've read on the forum, i've only used a 400w setup on smaller plants of diff types. If you can afford 4000w, it's not going to hurt.
currently I have 14 seeds (feminized) . not sure if I want to start with all of them, or only some. Gonna get the seeds planted this week, so I still have 2-3 weeks to get the room ready.. but I've got to hurry and figure out what I'm gonna do.

still not sure if I want to go with soil, or DWC, or maybe try both. so many choices...
wifey is trying to talk me into LED for the savings on utility bills, all I see is the negative reports.. any thoughts?

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
got a nice space to work with man. i would not plant all 14 at once. i have a dwc setup. there is a lot more stuff to deal with if going hydro. i do recommend checking out the section of the forum. Great place. I have learned a lot from there but I still learn something new everyday. If you need any help let me know. I know a little about DWC hydro setups. I have been in soil before with no proper anything pretty much. but ended up with bugs in the soil. So I went hydro instead. but its all up to you. take a look around and see what you think will work for you.

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
also are you going to germinate before you have the stuff to grow? I would not germinate until you have your setup. You never know if everything will work out as planned. I would hate to have some seeds ready for planting and my room not be ready to grow.
we did a little work to the room yesterday..


added a 6x24 phresh filter, the 6" inline fan, a nice hole in the ceiling, and the pretty new wall coverings.

not sure about the dogs? lol


get yourself some nice BIG hoods..i made the mistake of getting smaller ones to start my first grow and quickly realized the advantages of a bigger light footprint..bigger footprint equals less lights especially if you plan on running 1000's
Thanks Nemorouno. I had planned on it, but we changed our mind and have decided to go with the Diamond Series lights from AdvancedLED. (I hope that's ok to say that.. I can't find a list of sponsors for the forum, but no disrespect meant to any sponsors)


Well-Known Member
that filter would be much better up high hanging off the ceiling! when on the floor in will suck most of the colder air out the room rather than the hot stuff above.
6 inch is kinda small for that size room with 1000's.
the wife and I decided instead to start a little smaller. We're going to have a 2x6 grow area our first time through. So instead, for lights we are giving the new Diamond Series from Advanced LED the nod. Have three of them coming in this Friday or Monday. The side by side comparison grows with the Diamond Series have been amazing. I can't wait to give them a go.

what what

Active Member
sounds good. I hear so much good and bad things about leds that it scares me away. Maybe your grow will let us know how leds do for real.