My nutes wont be here til Fri. evening. Will my sprouts be OK?


Well-Known Member
So I have 3 seeds germed and popped up (Rockwool) 1" tall babies. Will they be okay with just distilled water till my foxfarm order comes in Fri evening. Thanks for you time. :?


Well-Known Member
uhhhh your not supposed to give seedlings any nutes for about 2-3 weeks..... so you will be fine


New Member
yea man, just water for at least 2 weeks, I use time released nutes in my soil so I don't feed my plants any nutes for 2 months. You should do some reading on here and get a good jist of the basics, there is alot of good info on this site that will help you get those killer buds, but you gotta read alot of threads.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
Yes thats why i had to post the question, too much reading, mixed info. I thought you should give a really low dose of nutes as soon as you give there first feed under lights. Oh well i guess its part of learning. better then no info. Thanks to you vets helpin us newbs out! Thanks all!


Active Member
Yes thats why i had to post the question, too much reading, mixed info. I thought you should give a really low dose of nutes as soon as you give there first feed under lights. Oh well i guess its part of learning. better then no info. Thanks to you vets helpin us newbs out! Thanks all!
Youre not going to make it very far on here with the "too much reading" man