My outdoor decided to bud early and create mutant leaves ... pics

I will allow this high plant from Mars to continue its vegetative splendor and will let you all know what happens. Today it looks even more like a houseplant ... but with more buds.


Well-Known Member
fucking hilarious how many bullshit responses this thread got . . . any grower who truly knows his shit would have instantly said that plant is revegging . . . but no, you have to get like 6-10 bullshit responses before someone finally says it's revegging . . .


Well-Known Member
well after it's starts significantly revegging, you probably could carefully pick off some of the buds . . . . . I wouldn't pick off everything because you'd risk killing the plant. up to you bro.


Active Member
yea as far as i know when you switch your light cycle from anything 18 to 12 or whatever you use thats what induces flowering of the plant =)


Active Member
Lol, you should clone that. Looks like the most unrecognizable weed in the world. The things you could get away with.
Ya... cause I def want some plants lookin like that... t looks like a regular patio bush or some shit..... could you imagine, someone walkin up to your pad smellin bud comin from somewhere and when they look around they see only these bushes


Well-Known Member
lol just because it has different looking leaves and its revegging?

trust me, if that plant was in full veg, it'll fully look like a cannabis plant, no mistake . . . . it's only because it's in the middle of revegging and sending all those single point leaves out that it doesn't look like it . . . . this is only ONE particular situation therefore there's absolutely no point in trying to breed this thing for 'camo' properties . . . lmao.


revegging dude... wait a couple of weeks and she'd have branched out with new growth. those single leaves are like the fan leaves, wait for the 3 then 5 then 7 etc.

ive got two girls from last outdoor, cut way back so leaving 2-4 branches (these were wee little not worth chopping buds). set my lights back to 18/6 from 12/12 and buds reach out and branches develop pretty much from between all the pistles.

hope this helps ..



Active Member
lol just because it has different looking leaves and its revegging?

trust me, if that plant was in full veg, it'll fully look like a cannabis plant, no mistake . . . . it's only because it's in the middle of revegging and sending all those single point leaves out that it doesn't look like it . . . . this is only ONE particular situation therefore there's absolutely no point in trying to breed this thing for 'camo' properties . . . lmao.
It is still a cool idea though, right!;)


Well-Known Member
It is still a cool idea though, right!;)
yeah for sure . . . . there are some freaky looking leaves on some plants . . . I've seen a purple kush that like 8 people in the thread thought it wasn't even cannabis . . .

so you might want to find strains like that, with strange growth patterns and crazy looking leaves.


Same gig for me dude my ladies are only 10 inches tall and full on budded out because I put themk out to early. I have the same leaves your pics show and my plants have been budding since mid may. I am gonna let mine go because one has actually started growing out of the bud with a bunch of branches. FYI I am growing bubba kush. Keep us posted if you let them go.