MY Outdoor harvest: Bluecheese, Hash Plant Haze, Super Lemon haze, 2x White Widow


Well-Known Member
Hey guys check out my outdoor harvest this season. Had to cut em down last night due to the cold weather. My buds smell really good and I got a G of scissors hash while trimming. I had a few grey mold and fuzzy mildew areas in some of the buds, but I cut em out. I am assuming all outdoor buds get this if they get rained on like once?

My main reason for posting is, I am trying to make bubble hash with the sugar trim. Ussually I trim only the big leaves off the buds, then trim the sugar a few days later. This time I trimmed all leaves off at once and seperated the sugar and fan leaves. I recently have learned from the net and people that fresh trim makes better (stickier dark) bubble hash. I would like to know if anyone knows if I should let the sugar trim dry at all? Or just freeze it immediatly and go to work. The trim is drying right now on 3 plates in my drying tent. Let me kno if anyone knows how I should make some bubble. Everytime I make it comes out sandy.... I want black goo! like my scissors hash.

Remeber, I didnt make these crazy hash's I want to know how to make some like it, Someone said the gold ones are liquid oxygen hash oil we call it crack toast

Here are pics of the plants before I chopped em down and some assorted hash I have collected this year. If anyone knows how to make any of this hash or wants to comment on my harvest let me kno! Im tryin to make something like these.

On the rack from top to bottom. Hash plant, White Widow 1, White widow 2, Super lemon haze, Bluecheese

Also got 2 hydro plants goin indoors, the hashplant will be done this week and bluecheese next week. So look for pics of those on the hydro forum.



Well-Known Member
you have to let it dry so the water molecule evaporates. If you dont, its like oil and will clog up your screens.


if you take your powder bubble hash when its dry and press it with heat it will go to a gooey sticky piece of hash if you have full melt...... go on you tube you just need some of that stuff they put around flowers it like plastic but not plastic cant think of the name of it rite now.... make a lil packet to put your hash in with the cellophane and seal it ( cellophane thats what that stuff is called), next you take damp newspaper and wrap around your little packet of hash, put it into a frying pan that is on low make sure u dont let the newspaper dry out and also dont get it to hot, I have done this with my last 3 bubble hash attempts and all came out looking just like that pic with little differences in some hash types colour and stickness mostly. I hope that helps you man

Ohhh yeah when its done heating on the pan take the whole hash package put it in the freezer let it sit in there for about a half hour and then open dont try to open when its hot......
if you take your powder bubble hash when its dry and press it with heat it will go to a gooey sticky piece of hash if you have full melt...... go on you tube you just need some of that stuff they put around flowers it like plastic but not plastic cant think of the name of it rite now.... make a lil packet to put your hash in with the cellophane and seal it ( cellophane thats what that stuff is called), next you take damp newspaper and wrap around your little packet of hash, put it into a frying pan that is on low make sure u dont let the newspaper dry out and also dont get it to hot, I have done this with my last 3 bubble hash attempts and all came out looking just like that pic with little differences in some hash types colour and stickness mostly. I hope that helps you man

Ohhh yeah when its done heating on the pan take the whole hash package put it in the freezer let it sit in there for about a half hour and then open dont try to open when its hot......
thats a little condusing you should do a write up on your technique, im a hash conneiseur


thats a little condusing you should do a write up on your technique, im a hash conneiseur
I believe hash is more potent unpressed! but pressing does make it easier to transport.

here is another idea for pressing small amounts of hash.
1>) wax paper put hash between paper wax paper hash wax paper
2>) fill a glass bottle with very hot water
3>) use bottle like a rolling pin over your hash which is still in between the paper
4>) this will flatten your hash and make it soft and gooey
5>) take hash out of paper and it can be left like that or formed however you like