My perfect recipe for compost


now...i may be wrong with what i used and etc, but i grew 2 plants, one in soil, and one in my special compost and my compost yield was AMAZING. Theres 3 things your plants need, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, and nitrogen.
so i what i did was i took 2 green tea bags and 3 normal tea bags and boiled them and replaced the water until the tea bags made a amber colored water, then i took out the tea from the bags, and blended it. then i took banana peels and put them in the oven til they were crisp like potato chips. then i took eggshells and put them in the blender along with the banana peels. THEN i took bones from chicken legs and boiled them to get rid of all the ligaments and meat. i put all those together and blended them into a fine powder. then added it to soil. my ratio was 20% of everything. so it looked like this
20%tea bag(nitrogen)
20%potting soil(add perlite)

i made this soil for my veg stage plants.
seedlings do not need that much nutes for the first few weeks. always remember too much nutes can kill your plant

now i cant guarantee it will 100% work for you but it certainly worked for me so experiment and come up with a ratio you desire.

ALSO your plant likes iron through the whole stage of life, i put 3 rusty nails into the soil also to give it that. good luck everyone and i hope this helped somewhat.

heres something i found on the Int3rN3tZ that helped me

During vegetative growth the plants need lots of N (nitrogen). They also need a fair amount of P (phosphorus) and K (potassium). A plant food that is 20-10-10, or 30-15-15, or something similar, with trace elements should do a very good job.
During flowering the plants need more P (phosphorus) and more K (potassium) than they did during vegetative growth. They need some N (nitrogen) but not as much as they did during vegetative growth. They also need calcium.
If you used:
--- something like 20-10-10 for vegetative growth, then try using 10-20-20 (or similar) for flowering.
--- something like 30-15-15 for vegetative growth, then try using 15-30-30 (or similar) for flowering.


i might also add that after i blended it all i put it all into a hot dry pan and cooked it until it stopped steaming (after it stops steaming you will begin to smell the tea burning) then i put it in a tupperware bin and let it set for a week.