My Plant, Comments?


Well-Known Member
I like the tinfoil on the pot.
Yeah, it's actually a bucket. Had to do it because it's partially transparent and I didntt want the light messing up the roots. If there's one thing I've learned (especially through hydro), light hitting the roots is one of the worst things you can do to a plant.


nice pants any idea what strain they are from? they look like a more india hybrid t me


Well-Known Member
nice pants any idea what strain they are from? they look like a more india hybrid t me
Waz up Chitown? I'm from Mil-town, but I don't live there now. I'll be moving back though sometime this summer. Anyways, all I know is that my buddy gave me this seed from some stuff that he said was killer. He never saves seeds, but he saved this one and waited months to give it to me. So, naturally I had to grow the damn thing. It's so frosty with trichs. No skunk smell at all. Very fruity smelling. But the funny thing with this one is that it doesn't smell just sitting there. You have to touch it or pinch a bud, then it REEKS up the room for a while.


Well-Known Member
Update... I think it's looking pretty good. It's starting to use up it's N reserves in it's leaves. I'm also giving it KoolBloom right now. The calyxes have really begun to swell. I'm thinking in about 1-2 weeks she's coming down.

