My plant has an extra digit [PICS]


Active Member
I got some top 44 seeds from nirvana, germed 5 and they all sprouted and they are bout a week old now! One of them had an extra round leaf when it came up. Now it has an extra growth tip, looks like there will be 3 branches at every node instead of two! Maybe it means i will get a 1/3 more bud:mrgreen: Anybody ever seen this before? Think its healthy?



Well-Known Member
I had one of these and jumped to the same conclusion. More branches more bud; it seems intuitive. Well anyway, when I asked around on here the responses I got were that they weren't worth growing because they'll produce very leafy bud. I continued to grow mine anyway because I had the space but it turned out to be male so I cannot verify this. Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
I got some top 44 seeds from nirvana, germed 5 and they all sprouted and they are bout a week old now! One of them had an extra round leaf when it came up. Now it has an extra growth tip, looks like there will be 3 branches at every node instead of two! Maybe it means i will get a 1/3 more bud:mrgreen: Anybody ever seen this before? Think its healthy?
yup, been there, done that, it's called whorled phylostachy (sp ?) They tend to grow shorter and bushier.