My plant is dying,what is the problem shown here? (PICTURES) +REP for any assistance


Active Member
My grow has had some twists and turns along the way, and I have a few plants starting to develop the following, and it is progressing more rapidly day by day, so its concerning me... It may not look bad, but believe me, this plant will be in SAD shape soon.

Before you ask I am quite broke atm and Can not test ph, nor am I concerned its a ph or soil problem. I solely believe this to be a deficiency or toxicity, though I may be wrong. Please any assistance with this matter would be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
What soil are you using and what brand of nutes (NPK values too) are you using. They look like they could use some water, btw.


Weed Modifier
My grow has had some twists and turns along the way, and I have a few plants starting to develop the following, and it is progressing more rapidly day by day, so its concerning me... It may not look bad, but believe me, this plant will be in SAD shape soon.

Before you ask I am quite broke atm and Can not test ph, nor am I concerned its a ph or soil problem. I solely believe this to be a deficiency or toxicity, though I may be wrong. Please any assistance with this matter would be greatly appreciated.

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Well if you are not concerned with proper Ph then nothing you do will be beneficial to your plants! if it is a def....and your Ph is OFF then no matter how much nutes you give them will not help...its called lockout....dude just a thought but you dont want to here that right? Proper Ph alows your plant to absorb nutes!


Active Member
I use 1/3 vermic 1/3 perlite 1/3 coco. The nutes I am using are peters 10-15-10 for veg so far(all Ive used)

And lime the reason I said that is because that is the first answer I always get, and I have had 4 very successful grows that went off without a hitch, as for this one, im running ito problems. I would gladly do things properly and take any advice you have on the subject, but I have no way to do this properly in the foreseeable futere(maybe in 2 weeks or so.)

What I was proposing is maybe someone has seen this before and knows or someone has a vast knowledge of problems could point out exactly what is going on at the most specific level, saying ph and nute lockout are very non-specific, and I need to try and make an adjustment now until I am able to get a ph kit and ppm/ec meter. I only had access to some fish aquarium strips and my water begins at 6.2 from the tap.


Weed Modifier
Look like a nute def, you could feed and hope it works...and I hope that it will! You can add baking soda to raise Ph, common kitchen item. and I was not trying to be rude. Just my 2 cents. Peace I use an airstone in my water and that will raise Ph too!


Well-Known Member
I think your soil is the issue. You've got nothing in there and your peters 10-15-10 isn't a complete nute. I'm pretty sure that nutrient, while totally capable, is intended for soil with some trace minerals already in there. If you have a way to maybe top dress your container with compost from your compost bin, or fox farm ocean forest, or anything with some kind of macro and micro nutes in there, you'll be straight.


Active Member
Its all good lime, and Homebrewer, thanks for that tip, I was aware that I was low on trace minerals when I one day looked at the entire guaranteed analysis, it has manganese and zinc only lol, but I was still trying to knock out which one it is, either way I will take your suggestion and top dress with some more suitable soil.


Active Member
You are starting to burn your plants with the Nitrogen in the fertilizer. 10% N at this stage is strong for seedlings, that 10 means 10% of the water soluble powder you are using is Nitrogen. Flush with clear water then next watering resume feeding starting at half rate. I hope you have been using the houseplant rate of 1 tsp/gal not the outside rate of 1 Tbsp/gal. This is strong fertilizer and should not be used any more frequently than the recommended intervals. Start the feeding at 1/2 tsp/gal when resuming the ferts.

10-15-10 sounds like a Schultz formulation not a Peters fert. If it is, it has iron manganese and zinc added for the micro elements. As Hombrewer says, addition of complete micro nutrients should be all you need. You can water once when the plants are transplanted and rooted into larger pots with 1/2 tsp epsom salts for addition of Magnesium.

You would be better off to switch to a balanced fertilizer with micro nutrients included. 10-15-10 would be better for the flowering stage than the veg stage because of the high Phosporous content.


Well-Known Member
Its all good lime, and Homebrewer, thanks for that tip, I was aware that I was low on trace minerals when I one day looked at the entire guaranteed analysis, it has manganese and zinc only lol, but I was still trying to knock out which one it is, either way I will take your suggestion and top dress with some more suitable soil.
Check out this link for excesses and deficiencies ( Based on your guaranteed analysis, you need some calcium, magnesium and iron right quick. Maybe look into some gypsum or some epsom salts, google for the right amount to add to a gallon of water (maybe a teaspoon?) as that should take care of your calcium, magnesium and sulfur needs.
Thats nute burn you should use half the recommended dosage for your plants. I made that mistake and killed a few before i noticed what was going on and was able to bring 2 out of it. Flush your plants with water and stop nutes for a week or two. They may come out of it but judging by your pics the plants are pretty small so it may not be a good chance


Active Member
Yeah now Im not sure what It could be, here is a few pics from today after watering with half strength all purpose mg, because it had more micros then the stupid schultz. Anyway these are all from different plants, and the first one is the same one with spots from my earlier post...hell ill just repost em side by side.


And here are some signs of something on two plants from today.

Once again thanks for any help you guys can give me...
