my plant started to get mold, would i need to flush it


i noticed my plant got abit of mold a few days ago, it is slowly spreading. today i had a look its not heaps bad but it is spreading, now i only started to flush today, i dont have enough time to flush properly though cause the mold will spread to quick, Im growing out doors and have only used( thrive ) on my plant and no other chems, what do i do


Well-Known Member
i noticed my plant got abit of mold a few days ago, it is slowly spreading. today i had a look its not heaps bad but it is spreading, now i only started to flush today, i dont have enough time to flush properly though cause the mold will spread to quick, Im growing out doors and have only used( thrive ) on my plant and no other chems, what do i do
Chop now. No need to flush. A lot of people on here will actually give you shit for flushing. Myself included, lol.


Well-Known Member
Go back to the Politics section. You're outta your league in the Grow Sections.
LOL you prob are as stupid as you look. Is there any reason he needs to "dry it faster"? Is he gonna smoke the moldy weed? Does that make it safe? The non moldy weed will dry as normal. Throw the other shit away. You're a moron. Separate the bad from the good and dry as normal. Make sure the bigger buds are broken down and aren't hiding mold inside. No fucking reason to dry it faster you stupid cop. You have much to learn fake ass warrior.


Well-Known Member
LOL you prob are as stupid as you look. Is there any reason he needs to "dry it faster"? Is he gonna smoke the moldy weed? Does that make it safe? The non moldy weed will dry as normal. Throw the other shit away. You're a moron. Separate the bad from the good and dry as normal. Make sure the bigger buds are broken down and aren't hiding mold inside. No fucking reason to dry it faster you stupid cop. You have much to learn fake ass warrior.


Well-Known Member
Chances are the mold has spread all over the plant even if you can't see it. You'll want to inspect everything really well with a scope or loupe before smoking. You may also want to do an h202 wash after chopping and then dry it out in front of a fan before hanging to dry. The h202 will not make any of the moldy weed smokable but it can help keep it from spreading while the weed is drying.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
LOL you prob are as stupid as you look. Is there any reason he needs to "dry it faster"? Is he gonna smoke the moldy weed? Does that make it safe? The non moldy weed will dry as normal. Throw the other shit away. You're a moron. Separate the bad from the good and dry as normal. Make sure the bigger buds are broken down and aren't hiding mold inside. No fucking reason to dry it faster you stupid cop. You have much to learn fake ass warrior.
You’re arguing with someone who doesn’t even know “mould” and “mold” are the same thing. It’s not really a battle of wits. Just sayin :lol:


Well-Known Member
Chances are the mold has spread all over the plant even if you can't see it. You'll want to inspect everything really well with a scope or loupe before smoking. You may also want to do an h202 wash after chopping and then dry it out in front of a fan before hanging to dry. The h202 will not make any of the moldy weed smokable but it can help keep it from spreading while the weed is drying.

Good luck.
Use potassium bicarbonate in one of the wash tubs too. It will stop the mold from spreading and ruining even more bud.


Well-Known Member
I'd inspect the buds as you harvest-break a few in half and check inside-separate the moldy stuff because it will spread even more as it dries. Post-harvest baths of h202, and/or, potassium bicarbonate, (aspirin and chitosan are other potential options I've been experimenting with) are a GREAT option when there is a known PM or mold infestation, as JimmiP just said. There are plenty of threads with the details if you want to do something
extra to protect your harvest.


Well-Known Member
hes right just let the spores get all over everything including where hes drying. lol. who would dry weed with mold on it wtf