My plants were stolen!


Well-Known Member
Get a greenhouse,you can pick up a decent 10ft X 8ft greenhouse for $100 at crazy bennies tool supply,or most other cheap wholesale supply houses,they arent that bad either,they come where the plastic isnt 100% see thru,you can see the outline of plants but ya cant tell its dope.

I wish we could use ours for dope,it would be perfect .


Well-Known Member
how can you argue with that haircut! haha that sucks to hear man atleast you know they wont be able to enjoy them. do you live in a neighborhood? cause it coulda been some kids that smoke but dont know jack shit about weed just happened to catch a smell and was like OH FREE WEED not knowin that they arent finished yet.


Well-Known Member
in my mind, there are no thieves, it is clear, and it only makes perfect sense, that aliens came down and took your plants to reproduce the premature THC in space for proper space curing.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
More than likely it was that kid your dogs were going off on. It COULD very well have been another stoner, tho. How many people you know who smoke that have an inkling of an idea how to grow it? NOT MANY at all here.
Do the cops REALLY run around stealing plants out there??? GOD DAMN! I had a really scary thought of me waking up to someone jacking my plants and finding out it was a cop after I shot him.