my poor plant, help is needed!!!


Active Member
So my plants were outback like they usally are but my mom put a white tarp next to my plants and the wind blew the tarp onto the flowering plants and f#cked up my baby, im beleive they were under the tarp in direct sunlight for an hour at most and i just watered them before hand so im assuming there was some moisture involved i just wanna know if this brown is MOLD or just burnt leaves from the nutes trying to evap out but hit the tarp and dripped onto the leaves,

please help im desperate.



Well-Known Member
Not mold. Definitely burned. Give them a mist of cool water, they'll bounce right back. Though the burned leaves will not recover. Remove them when they seem less helpful than helpful.


Active Member
I don't know what it is but it happened to 3 of my plants before but it was because I had them by a sliding door and accidentally left it open one night when I was getting firewood... It was -35 degrees Celsius out and ya it stunted my plants growth and 2 weeks later my leaves started looking like that and feeling all mushy. my fix was cut early. But I wouldn't do that till at least a few guys on here tell you you have to.


Cut the damaged leaves off, the plant will concentrate on growing soon after it makes amends, otherwise if you leave the leaves there and they are damaged, the plant will not concentrate on growing and instead will try to repair itself.


Active Member
Cut the damaged leaves off, the plant will concentrate on growing soon after it makes amends, otherwise if you leave the leaves there and they are damaged, the plant will not concentrate on growing and instead will try to repair itself.
k well i trimmed it up there were quite a few damaged leaves hope it doesnt stress it to much from cutting em all off.