My pot movie

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Well-Known Member
You see? that kind of stuff thrills me. Be sure to get the DVD in the early spring. Besides the high res show with no breaks and the how to, you'll get MP3s of the original music tracks. More about fly tyiing later...
It's good to find a fisherman- I haven't met many I couldn't get on with.

Imagine your staking out your crop.

you are allowed : (I am asuming you are strapped, for Bear obviously)

1 Book

12 Tunes

5 Fly patterns

1 luxury item

What would they be?

I tried to do this and by Shiva, it was difficult.:mrgreen:
And I will happily join the queue for the DVD
It's good to find a fisherman- I haven't met many I couldn't get on with.

Imagine your staking out your crop.

you are allowed : (I am asuming you are strapped, for Bear obviously)

1 Book

12 Tunes

5 Fly patterns

1 luxury item

What would they be?

I tried to do this and by Shiva, it was difficult.:mrgreen:
And I will happily join the queue for the DVD
that brings to mind a little story...

Animal Attraction​

Turning and fleeing from a bear is a no-no because it shows signs of weakness and may prompt an attack. Well, shitting yourself on the spot is an outright declaration that he might as well just tuck a napkin under his chin and eat you.

You ain't really lived until you've had a four-hundred-pound fur ball with canines and claws chasing you. Nothing puts a chill in your spine like knowing you are fleeing, very likely, for your life, from an animal without a rational mind or the ability to be persuaded that you’d make a lousy, noisy dinner with a human excrement aftertaste.

I didn't even realize he was after me until I heard a branch snap and turned to see him scrambling in my direction. Initially, he was as frightened as I was; we’d startled each other. He darted up a tree and clung there, looking at me from a distance of about two meters. I was ready to forgive him and go about my business, but he wasn't having any of it. I guess he took my sneak retreat as a sign of weakness, and clawed his way down the tree after me as I turned and hurried in the opposite direction.
Gaining distance between us, and whipsawing between sheer terror and the textbook notion you aren’t supposed to run or show fear, I hastened my pace towards the mainline where my Ranger was parked with the driver’s side door open. To compound matters, my bear spray was jammed sideways in the main pouch of my fanny pack, which it wasn't designed for, and the zipper had jammed. Continuously glancing back as I tore out of the bush, I yanked and pulled on that zipper as a black, snorting, menace flickered in the trees in full trot toward me.

Breaking out of the bush and onto the mainline logging road, I ran for my truck, still trying to work the zipper of my fanny pack. The bear snorted loudly, and I craned around to see him breaking out on the logging road, too, galloping after me with his mouth ajar and his tongue stuffed between his canines...
Gasping for breath, I sprinted as fast as I could towards my truck, that beacon of hope about 100 yards away. The bear was on my heels, his claws clicking on the gravel. The zipper on my fanny pack suddenly broke open and I peeled the spray out, popping the safety cap like a champagne cork. Wheeling around, in a continuous motion I released a plume of spray. Close enough to swat my feet out from under me, the bear showed the whites of his bloodshot eyes as the spray cloud dispersed directly in front of his snout. When it hit his nostrils, his hind legs buckled under him and he landed on his ass, just like in a cartoon, and I made it to the safety of my truck.
Acutely aware of my heaving breath and trembling hands, I leaned out the open door with the spray poised. The bear grunted and whined in agony, his mouth frothing as he pawed at his nose, trying to remove the pepper. So pissed was he, he stumbled towards me again and I discharged another plume from the safety of my truck. The spray came nowhere near him, but the mere sound of it sent him lumbering into the bush.

I collapsed into the driver’s seat, stunned, listening to my heartbeat slow as visions of less favorable outcomes danced in my head. What the hell had I just averted? The woods would never be the same for me again. Or, at least, not for a long, long time.

I was at the local outfitters a few days later and overheard a man and wife amicably debating whether or not they should buy the bear spray for their camping trip. I winked and said. "Good idea. Trust me."


Well-Known Member
hey brown dirt at the end of episode five did i hear u mention your real name? maybe i was hearing it wrong but sounded like you said

"Not finished Yet: (then your name)"

did i hear that wrong? was it a slip up?

good luck nice movies stay safe

also for everyone who posted in this thread or read it, everyone should give this guy plus rep for the great work


Well-Known Member

good thing about being in shape eh BDW?

heh ive had a couple bear encounters, each one was different.

In Alaska in 1985 while riding 3 wheelers with my cousin who is much more experienced on 3 wheelers than i was at the time. We were ripping it up around campbell creek (anchorage area), having a great time, lookin at salmon in the river, wishing we woulda brought our poles, cuz nobody was around, and there was tons of sockeye and chinook salmon in the river.

After we stopped drooling over the salmon, we decided to check out the "cliffs"...... i have no idea what the cliffs look like, and ill explain why.......
while my cousin was a very experienced 3 wheel rider, i was not... lol
So... i can hear him on his 250r which is a 2 stroke model.... very loud, and im on a girly 200x which is a 4 stroke.. not so loud. Anyway i can hear my cousin just tearin shit up on the trail ahead of me, this went on for about 5 min, when i hear my cousins 3 wheeler really kick up in R's.... then he comes flying around the corner, with this terrified look on his face..... keep in mind he is 14, and im only 13 at this time.... so yeah terrified look on his face as he passes me doing what seemed like 100mph.. The trail isnt a wide trail, and if u have been to alaska you know exactly what i mean....... so now knowing that i have to turn around... i decided to pull up to where it seemed there was a good spot to turn around, cuz again im not experienced enough to just hit the gas and brodie it back around... when i got to the opening, i seen why my cousin had that terrified look on his face, and now know why he didnt stop, he just kept on going... balls to the wall. when i rounded the corner, there was a HUUUGE FUCKING BEAR, and i mean HUGE, this bear was easily twice my height, while standing on his back legs, and yelling like a pissed off bear does when he is pissed off. I about shit myself.... that whole not knowing how to brodie a 3 wheeler around..... not anymore, somehow it just seemed to come to me, and i ALMOST did it!!!!......... I ended up rolling the 3 wheeler over on its side....... keep in mind im about 50 feet from this huge ass bear. Luckily for me the 3 wheeler stayed running. I very quickly picked the 3 wheeler up like fucking he-man (dont ask cuz i dunno), jumped back on, and got the hell outta dodge. The bear didnt come after me, he didnt even seem to move, just stayed in the same spot yelling at me, but it did scare the living shit out of me. when i got back to my cousin, he asks me if i seen the bear........... as if the expression on my face wasnt obvious that i seen the bear.... haha

these days im older and wiser, and pack a pistol when i do mountain adventures =]

it sure feels good to be wiser, but sucks to get older ..... hehe



Well-Known Member
hey brown dirt at the end of episode five did i hear u mention your real name? maybe i was hearing it wrong but sounded like you said

"Not finished Yet: (then your name)"

did i hear that wrong? was it a slip up?

good luck nice movies stay safe

also for everyone who posted in this thread or read it, everyone should give this guy plus rep for the great work
No thats the debt collectors name and bdw is saying he aint finished yet and aiming it at the scabby debt collector:blsmoke:


well the plants are lookin good the wife is pissed though ! i think most of the growers on this site know that pain. good luck to you brother!


Well-Known Member
geurilla growers in the US are my HEROES... i love you guys. you know, i hope to be that one day. geurilla troop, fightin' the man, sellin my stuff that i poured a pinta blood a day into, sweaty headband, mask on, hands and ankles cut up from the thorns on the way in. areal fucking man's job. not a lot, just a simple life... but hey, that's cool with me. fight the fukkin power, man
geurilla growers in the US are my HEROES... i love you guys. you know, i hope to be that one day. geurilla troop, fightin' the man, sellin my stuff that i poured a pinta blood a day into, sweaty headband, mask on, hands and ankles cut up from the thorns on the way in. areal fucking man's job. not a lot, just a simple life... but hey, that's cool with me. fight the fukkin power, man
Um, I'm in Canada -- I'm Canadian.


Active Member
wow crazy vid man.. it really inspired me on how to do my crops this year coming up..

i liked the soundtrack 2

whats that song thats on there its like "i get high get high get high get high"? the hip hop song or whatever?

looking 4ward to ur upcoming vids


Well-Known Member
Holy shit...
You must have heard this a million times... but... you are doing something I dream of doing. I know its alot of hard work, sweat, blood, tears, agony!!! But i would be knee deep in mud and potting soil, lugging a pair of water cans right beside you if i could!!!

good thing about being in shape eh BDW?

heh ive had a couple bear encounters, each one was different.

In Alaska in 1985 while riding 3 wheelers with my cousin who is much more experienced on 3 wheelers than i was at the time. We were ripping it up around campbell creek (anchorage area), having a great time, lookin at salmon in the river, wishing we woulda brought our poles, cuz nobody was around, and there was tons of sockeye and chinook salmon in the river.

After we stopped drooling over the salmon, we decided to check out the "cliffs"...... i have no idea what the cliffs look like, and ill explain why.......
while my cousin was a very experienced 3 wheel rider, i was not... lol
So... i can hear him on his 250r which is a 2 stroke model.... very loud, and im on a girly 200x which is a 4 stroke.. not so loud. Anyway i can hear my cousin just tearin shit up on the trail ahead of me, this went on for about 5 min, when i hear my cousins 3 wheeler really kick up in R's.... then he comes flying around the corner, with this terrified look on his face..... keep in mind he is 14, and im only 13 at this time.... so yeah terrified look on his face as he passes me doing what seemed like 100mph.. The trail isnt a wide trail, and if u have been to alaska you know exactly what i mean....... so now knowing that i have to turn around... i decided to pull up to where it seemed there was a good spot to turn around, cuz again im not experienced enough to just hit the gas and brodie it back around... when i got to the opening, i seen why my cousin had that terrified look on his face, and now know why he didnt stop, he just kept on going... balls to the wall. when i rounded the corner, there was a HUUUGE FUCKING BEAR, and i mean HUGE, this bear was easily twice my height, while standing on his back legs, and yelling like a pissed off bear does when he is pissed off. I about shit myself.... that whole not knowing how to brodie a 3 wheeler around..... not anymore, somehow it just seemed to come to me, and i ALMOST did it!!!!......... I ended up rolling the 3 wheeler over on its side....... keep in mind im about 50 feet from this huge ass bear. Luckily for me the 3 wheeler stayed running. I very quickly picked the 3 wheeler up like fucking he-man (dont ask cuz i dunno), jumped back on, and got the hell outta dodge. The bear didnt come after me, he didnt even seem to move, just stayed in the same spot yelling at me, but it did scare the living shit out of me. when i got back to my cousin, he asks me if i seen the bear........... as if the expression on my face wasnt obvious that i seen the bear.... haha

these days im older and wiser, and pack a pistol when i do mountain adventures =]

it sure feels good to be wiser, but sucks to get older ..... hehe

great story!
wow crazy vid man.. it really inspired me on how to do my crops this year coming up..

i liked the soundtrack 2

whats that song thats on there its like "i get high get high get high get high"? the hip hop song or whatever?

looking 4ward to ur upcoming vids
You'd be a candidate for my how to DVD coming out


Well-Known Member
im glad to see ya here bdw.......I still make a blog for your videos on myspace every Friday.....I get lots of feedback too....all positive...


Well-Known Member
you da fuckin mad browndirtwarrior..i can only hope to get close to where you have gotton with a true fan and i expect to learn much off of you..i really love the videos..put it on DVD i swear id buy it..this is like the only thing i have a real lke passion for..nothin really interests me as growing does..all i can say is you da man dog!!!keep it up bro, im gonna try my hand at outdoor this coming spring..wish me luck and question..will i be able to find legit dirt in the woods or would it just not grow unless i dig a hole and all that??you are an inspiration and i sincerly wish you the best of luck and LOTS of budz..the way you bust your ass for those plants you deserve it man...

OMG..NO OH MY FUCKING GOD...i just seen the trailer and the guy with the helicopter..thats sick shit man..i gotta see this whole move..i wont settle for stoked about this...i hope this shit blows up all across america..and canada too
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