My problems, my setup, need help :P


Active Member
Hi guys!

I’ve been growing for a little while now, and I got some odd things happening with my plants that only more experienced guys can help me with.

My plants are about 60cm. but they are not bushing out. if you look at Tall.jpg, you can see what they look like. I held a ruler next to them so you can judge the height. Why are they growing so tall and not many leaves? A cannot even clone them cos all they have is single leaves coming off the stem.

My plants are getting yellow dots on them, some larger than others. Check out Yellow Marks.jpg. I’m not sure if this is soil related or if its bugs. I did find some wired roundish whitish bugs on it. So I bought some organic pesticide made from garlic and something else. I then sprayed them. I still smell like garlic :/

I bought a pH reader, but was not impressed with it. I poke the thing into the soil at random places and get completely different readings. Although the one plant was very acidic, so I took some baking powder and put a teaspoon of it into 300ml of water and watered it. I also bought some 3-2-1 plant food and gave them all some. I bough some sea weed spray for them as well, I sprayed them about an hour after I sprayed the pesticide.

If you look at Growing Area.jpg, that where I zip my plants up with 4x 20watt fluorescents. The bottles on the floor are sugar, yeast and water. Although I have not refiled them in a while cos I don’t think it’s necessary for vegetation.

If you look at Seedling Area.jpg and Seedlings.jpg, these are my up coming babies; they grew REALY fast as they came out of the seed. But they have slowed down allot they are about 3 weeks old now. How can I make them grow faster? They are under 2 x 40watt fluorescents bulbs.

Another question I have is... one of my plants just started to bud for no reason it started getting little balls and they would open up and hairs would come out. This plant was very tall and skinny. Way more skinny than all the rest. I put it outside in the garden for 2 days and it started to die so I cut it into two and dipped the stem into DYNAROOT powder and put it into some soil with water and sprayed it. The cutting is very droopy, but I’m waiting to see what happens. I’m not sure what happened here... can anyone give me some info?

I also don’t know WTF I am growing. All I know is its weed. My seedling I have got from a reliable source. So if u guys can somehow identify what I have plz let me know :-)

If you have any advice or notice I’m doing anything wrong please let me know cos I'm really n00b at this shit. :D



Well-Known Member
well the brown bits look like nute burn,the plants look very stretched which means you aint keeping ya light close enough and the plant which started showing sex was just letting you know it was mature and ready to flower,unless it is a flowering strain?which i doubt,so you should of just left it with the others coz it was obviously female and it would of stayed in vegative mode untill you changed to 12/12.,,,so just reduce the amount of nutes you give ya plants a little,(although i have to say it looks more like you spilt nutes on the leaves rather than gave um to much nutes)?if thats the case just be careful when you feed um next time.make sure you ph the water after you add the nutes and get ya light as close as possible.PEACE.


Well-Known Member
1. Nutreint burn. Check water ph everytime you water with a chemical pool tester.
2. Too little light, way too far from plant tops. I suggest you cut the plants in half and root the tops into clones. Triple the amount of lumens.
3. Read section called 101 questions already asked.

jay cas

Well-Known Member
My plants are about 60cm. but they are not bushing out. if you look at Tall.jpg, you can see what they look like. I held a ruler next to them so you can judge the height. Why are they growing so tall and not many leaves? A cannot even clone them cos all they have is single leaves coming off the stem.

caused by insuficient lumins. in all your pics, it looks like your keeping your light close enough (recomended distance from top of growth is no more than 3 inches). bump up your wattage to 4x 55wats flouresent in grow area, get t5 bulbs (theyre tecnically cfls) but are flouresent tubes

My plants are getting yellow dots on them, some larger than others. Check out Yellow Marks.jpg. I’m not sure if this is soil related or if its bugs. I did find some wired roundish whitish bugs on it. So I bought some organic pesticide made from garlic and something else. I then sprayed them. I still smell like garlic :/

those dots can also be created by hotspots from the foil walls, foil mylar is less likely to make hot spots. mostlikely they are being caused from the bug problem. may also be that the ph in the water is off. n like the others said it could be nute burn.

If you look at Growing Area.jpg, that where I zip my plants up with 4x 20watt fluorescents. The bottles on the floor are sugar, yeast and water. Although I have not refiled them in a while cos I don’t think it’s necessary for vegetation.

using co2 under flouresents is pointless. in order for the co2 to effectivly work, you need more light than a flouresent can provide. u need atleast a 400w mh if you are going to use co2.
not only do you need more light w/ co2, you need to nute every day, and water more. all co2 does is allow the plant to utillize more intake of all its food sources (light, water, nutes, oxygen) thus making it grow bigger/faster
4x 20watt is real weak when it comes to lumin output. you need atleast 4x 55watt flouresents. t5 (size) works best. hang at a distance no moore than 3 inches away from top growth. (i keep mine 1 inch away of 8x 55watt t5 fl bulbs.

If you look at Seedling Area.jpg and Seedlings.jpg, these are my up coming babies; they grew REALY fast as they came out of the seed. But they have slowed down allot they are about 3 weeks old now. How can I make them grow faster? They are under 2 x 40watt fluorescents bulbs.

what kind of soil? how much/often do you water? whats the temp/humidity? put light constant air circulation on em. when/if they droop over tie em up to a stick using twine or twist ties

Another question I have is... one of my plants just started to bud for no reason it started getting little balls and they would open up and hairs would come out. This plant was very tall and skinny. Way more skinny than all the rest. I put it outside in the garden for 2 days and it started to die so I cut it into two and dipped the stem into DYNAROOT powder and put it into some soil with water and sprayed it. The cutting is very droopy, but I’m waiting to see what happens. I’m not sure what happened here... can anyone give me some info?

get rid of it all. sounds like hearmies. hermies happen when stressed 1 way or another


Active Member
Thanks for all the feedback guys! Here are the answers to your questions...

Im using a mixture of potting soil and seed germination soil.

I water them every 2-3 days. I stick my finger in to feel how damp the soil is.

The walls are covered in mylar, there is no tin foil.

The humidity is quite high and the heat can be about 30 - 35 Degrees celcius. I have found that the more humid and more hot it is the plants grow better.
Altho i have no idea why. I have not been giving the plants Nutes untill 2 days ago, so im not sure what result they will have on them. Same with the sea weed spray.

I am going to buy a fan, Im thinking about putting the fan on for about 2-3 days a week because the plants love the Heat and humidity.

Im thinking about buying a 400Watt MH lamp, I can get both the ballast and lamp for about $135 (converted my currency to $). I am sure it will get ALLOT hotter so im going to probably have to leave the fan on 24/7.

What are your thoughts on the 3-2-1 Nutes, the seaweed spray and garlic bug spray? :blsmoke:


Active Member
your seedling setup looks good though, answer the above qs. n il try to help u more
:D thanks jay cas, it was a 30 minute job really, i took some shelf stands and taped them vertically with some tape to the floor, then balanced the light on it. I did buy some chains, some time this week im going to drill some holes in the top to hang it :P I left about 14 seedlings outside but they started to die, so i put them back under the light. I hope they can live again. :cry:

jay cas

Well-Known Member
Im using a mixture of potting soil and seed germination soil.

what brand? never heard of germination soil, you mean pure baked peat?

I water them every 2-3 days. I stick my finger in to feel how damp the soil is.

sounds good, shouldnt be any probs there whats the ph of your water?
make sure it stays around 6-6.5

The humidity is quite high and the heat can be about 30 - 35 Degrees celcius. I have found that the more humid and more hot it is the plants grow better.
Altho i have no idea why. I have not been giving the plants Nutes untill 2 days ago, so im not sure what result they will have on them. Same with the sea weed spray.

whoah!! thats like 90-100f!! that is way to hot even if your think your plants are lovin it. get that temp down to a steady 75f (23c). humidity is best kept at 40-50%. sounds to me like your gonna need a ventilation system

I am going to buy a fan, Im thinking about putting the fan on for about 2-3 days a week because the plants love the Heat and humidity.

never heard of this (about the heat) thats crazy!! you should have the fan on whenever the lights are on, i keep my fan on 24-7 even with lights out

Im thinking about buying a 400Watt MH lamp, I can get both the ballast and lamp for about $135 (converted my currency to $). I am sure it will get ALLOT hotter so im going to probably have to leave the fan on 24/7.

sounds like a good deal. for that many seedlings (looks like about 50), you will need 3-400mh lights to get em through growth stage, especially if you plan on using co2. look into switchable ballists, they may be a little more expensive but will save you money cause then you wont have to buy 3 more hps ballists for blooming, youl just have to buy the bulbs

What are your thoughts on the 3-2-1 Nutes, the seaweed spray and garlic bug spray? :blsmoke:
never heard of or used any of this

better light source and lower temps should grt you walking down the right path... gl

jay cas

Well-Known Member
since you just started nuting, rule out nute burn. were the spots there beforeyou sprayed with garlic mix? if so, its a bug prob and hopfully the spray did its job, if not garlic is very acidic and that could deff do it. the ph level of your water could also be the reason