My remarkable first grow on the east coast! lots of pics!


Active Member
Hey guys, i hadnt planned on doing a grow journal for my first grow all on my own but its going so well and im defying several "rules of growing" with some fantastic results so i wanted to share my experiences.e

lets start with my background: Lived in Arizona for 15 years where my uncle was a huge grower so ive been around it for years and been through all the steps but always with someone there to guide me. Recently moved to the east coast where it is IMPOSSIBLE to find the west coast grade buds im used to so i decided to supply myself.

environment: 4x4x7 tent, 600w light (mh/hps), air is drawn in from outside through a pre filter, exhausts back outside on the opposite side of the building. the only issue ive had with my environment is since it is being drawn in from outside and im in a state where it rains atleast 1/3rd of the year, so humidity and sometimes temps are a little out of control. i run the lights at night and off during day, temps USUALLY stay within 70-85 but sadly sometimes we get a randomly cold day in the middle of summer and temps can drop to low 60's. same with uncommonly hot days it can get up to 100. currently the tent is setup in a non-insulated building which i believe is mostly to blame for the wide temp fluxations, i plan to build a smaller, insulated, shed in the near future with a window ac built into the wall to control temps but i did want to stress the temp flux's ive had so you really appreciate how well these girls have put up with it.

The girls: right now my tent is full with just 3 plants! 2 THC bomb Autos from bomb seeds and 1 F1FV blackjack from herbies. all these are in 5gal smart pots with 60/40 coco/perlite mix for medium. i always ph my water but i dont check ppm (mostly because my meter broke after 4 uses :sad:) i feed every other day using fox farms, i use a 20gal soaking tub to water, and here's one of the "rules" ive been defying: i NEVER use more than 2tsp of a single nute per gallon of water. this is less than half the recommended dosage if one were to follow the fox farms chart, but my plants have THRIVED being fed like this, i can feed every night if i want to and still wouldn't overwater or nutrient burn the plants. since this is my first grow entirely on my own i decided to do a little experimenting: one of the autos i've let grow out completely natural, the other i've semi-lollipopped and defoliated- RULE BREAKER :bigjoint:. i thought this would be a fun side by side seeing as so many people are 100% against making any cuts or alterations to autos other than mild LST, i even came across one person who was so adamant about this subject that he told a first time auto grower "if you cut the plant it will die or yield less than 10g, you CANNOT cut autos at all or they stunt and when an auto stunts it fucks up its whole life cycle you may as well throw it away and start over" i would like to take a moment to tell everyone THIS IS ENTIRELY BULLLLLLLSHIIIIIIIIIT!! the auto ive trimmed on is actually bigger and bulkier in buds than the natural grown one, now in my personal opinion based on the look of them, i would say theyll both harvest about the same amount dry weight but the trimmed one will be all nice big cola buds while the natural grown one will be 50% popcorn buds. i hope many of you fellow growers take the time to try autoflowers at least once and if you have the room i urge you to do 2 of them so you can side by side them for yourself, there has been some amazing advancements in the auto world. The autos are both almost exactly 4ft from dirt to top if i had to make an educated guess id say i have just about 4 weeks left till the autos are done, which would put them right at 14wks from seed to harvest (seeds were advertised 7-8wks seed to harvest but of course these figures are bogus, ive never seen any auto finish faster than 10wks). of course i never cut down until the plant tells me its ready though. and i will be updating here with new pics as they continue to thrive! here comes the photobomb!

had to remove some the pics because limit of 20 to post :(


Active Member
definitely final! In AZ i didnt care to because my uncle grew so i just got it from him, but even if he was out it was never hard to find good bud and the best part was regardless of who i got it from in AZ i was able to 100% confirm what strain it was, how it was grown, and what was used in/on it when it was grown. the first 2 things dont necessarily matter to me. but personally when it comes to buying from people if they cant give me definitive proof of what chems were used during the grow then i dont want it. too much weed burns black these days and thats not ok with me. in my current location, an ounce of what the locals consider "the best" costs 400 and the ACTUAL quality is mid-grade at best. definitely nothing over 18% thc content. and to top that off: you called youre dealer half an hour ago saying you would be AT THE MEET LOCATION in 20mins, so your 10mins past what you said, hes not there, you text him and he sais hes just leaving his house, which you know is no more than 5mins from the meet location, another 20 mins goes by and he sais hes "at the light about to turn in" and then MAYBE 10 minutes after that he might actually show anyway after waiting over an hour in a parking lot for some inconsiderate ass hole to show up and take your money in exchange for some mediocre bud, you go home just happy to smoke, and then you rip through a bowl only to see that your ash is pitch fucking black, so black that you dont even think its ash you think its just the top burnt layer of the bowl until you try to hit it again and realize "oh shit thats just black as fuck ash"

long story short id rather not smoke than smoke shit thats overdried, undercured, and full of chemicals that any GOOD grower knows should be flushed out. lol

also just a quick side note: the white (or brown, when wet) compound on top of my medium is DE, its like 95% silica, which does amazing shit for any plants roots and also will keep most insects out of your medium. my tent is setup in a shed so its next to impossible to keep every little bug out, i havent seen any mites thank god, but ive seen a couple pill bugs, a spider or 2, and a BEE inside my tent. lol the bee is the only one that blew my mind.. my intake has a prefilter on it but i can understand how smaller bugs like the spiders and pill bugs ive seen could wriggle their way into it, the bee on the other hand i doubt couldve gotten thru it, so the question of where it came from is still a msytery lol.
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Active Member
Veg area will come with time. This was all started less than 2 months ago lol. As I said I'm planning to build a shed in the near future with built in ac and it'll be big enough for 2 4x4 tents+ working room and then I can go perpetual. and I genuinely enjoy growing all strains. Including autos. Every strain is a little different and gives you more overall experience.


Active Member
I could but I'd rather not. I hate working with tight spaces and 4x4 is as small as im comfortable with. I'd rather spend the money and have the extra room. Just my preference. Gotta remember I used to working in a grow house with 50 plants to a room with plenty enough space to walk through em all still.
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Active Member
hey guys here's just a few pics from last nights feeding. The naturally grown plant seems to be about 50% frostier than the trimmed plant right now but im sure that plant is a few days behind from the mild shock of being trimmed regularly. the trimmed one is really filled out though :) should have nothing but colas on it when they're finished! first 2 pics are the natural grown, and second 2 are the trimmed plant.



Well-Known Member
definitely final! In AZ i didnt care to because my uncle grew so i just got it from him, but even if he was out it was never hard to find good bud and the best part was regardless of who i got it from in AZ i was able to 100% confirm what strain it was, how it was grown, and what was used in/on it when it was grown. the first 2 things dont necessarily matter to me. but personally when it comes to buying from people if they cant give me definitive proof of what chems were used during the grow then i dont want it. too much weed burns black these days and thats not ok with me. in my current location, an ounce of what the locals consider "the best" costs 400 and the ACTUAL quality is mid-grade at best. definitely nothing over 18% thc content. and to top that off: you called youre dealer half an hour ago saying you would be AT THE MEET LOCATION in 20mins, so your 10mins past what you said, hes not there, you text him and he sais hes just leaving his house, which you know is no more than 5mins from the meet location, another 20 mins goes by and he sais hes "at the light about to turn in" and then MAYBE 10 minutes after that he might actually show anyway after waiting over an hour in a parking lot for some inconsiderate ass hole to show up and take your money in exchange for some mediocre bud, you go home just happy to smoke,
I think we may know the same person. It's not even funny on those occasions when in need I dread getting from him.


Active Member
hey guys sorry i havent updated in over a week, heres how were looking currently

at first glance it may appear the natural grown one has more on it but i assure you its 50% larf and none of the buds are even half as swollen as the trimmed plant's are with the exception of the main cola. here its is for all you nay-sayers, proof that mild defoliating and mild lollipopping on autoflowers, even during flowering, is perfectly fine and will not hurt your yield. :)