My salvia 10x trip


New Member
Here's what I feel on salvia. To me it feels as real like when your about to pass out and you start to fall off that one cliff its as real as that to me.


Well-Known Member
I had a fucked up experience last night on 20X,i literally thought i had died and there was all these 'entities' around me,words really dont do it justice it was so intense,quite scary,i still cant quite comprehend wat happened.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i have done lsd and shrooms and want to try salvia. it seems more intense at least briefly i want to try it in the right mood in the right place.


Well-Known Member
anyone have the sensation of zippers and strings being pulled through you ..expecially the face area? fucking rediculous


Well-Known Member
Yep my first time felt like i had strings comin out of the wall connecting in the back of my throat then goin back like a big v shaped conveyer belt.


Well-Known Member
lol fucking salvia....shits too strong for me. My first time, took a bong rip , torch lighter, 40 x or sumthing like that. First thing it did was turn gravity sideways and i rand down my staircase becuz thats the way gravity felt it was taking me. Then was the strings and zippers shit pulling through my face and body. After that there was about 2 or 3 mins i dont remember. Then came the million pounds i felt i had on me .( iwas laying on my front lawn at this time.) So my girlfriend comes to ask me if weverthings cool. The weirdest shit happened, i looked at her and i had NO idea who she was. NO clue at all. My fucking memory got wiped clean!!!! It came back withing 30 secs id say but holy fuck it scared me and iam pretty experrienced pychelic substancce user. Just wanted to share mine ..Anyone had There memories erased for awhile like me????
I bought several grams of 10x a few years ago, and mixed it up with vine strength salvia. The feeling I got with it was wierd - like someone was "painting" the inside of my skin with a hot paint roller, from head to toe. Once that feeling subsided, I felt rubbery, and like my legs weighed 100 lbs. apiece. My skin felt heavy, like it wanted to fall off my bones... Not a good feeling, and it always left me with a headache. Never any visions, or trips, just all that craziness, every time. Sucked. I still have it, but will never smoke it again... Weed and shrooms for me, all the way - fuck that legal shit. :peace:
I've tripped 4 times, but I only really remember one. It was night time, sitting on a couch that I had on my back porch, took a huge rip with a torch lighter. I do believe it was 40x, like grape or something.. Anywho, I sank into the couch, like 50 million hands were pulling me down, deep into whatever place you go to whenever you trip salvia. I was with 3 people, who say I didn't laugh or talk or anything right up until the end. When I had first sank into the couch, I experienced infinity for the first time, looking out and seeing these really vast incredible geometric patters, and a "heavy" black circle at the end, it was like a tunnel of infinity. I came to for a second, and I see two people sitting on the couch, and one of my friends is up, watching out for me making sure I didn't fall over or some stupid shit like that I guess. When I actually came back, they're faces all became really sinister looking, and started flying past me really fast laughing at me, It caused this sort of panic attack and I tried to get away from it. I ended up coming to on the corner of my porch, and it's just a concrete slab, the porch I mean. On the corner where the grass meets, I fell into the canopy of a jungle. Almost like I was god over some sort of place, some place that hasn't be touched by time, very euphoric. I looked back at my house, which had turned into a laying down person, but still the size of the house, this person/house is just laying on it's back, turns over, looks right at me and says "YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE!!" Right about that time, my friends said I mumbled something and started bawling, like crying really really hard for no reason it seemed, then, the kicker to me really. I'm standing in front of my friends who are all on the couch again, and they're all looking at me like I'm fucking insane or something. I feel something on my shoulder, like an entity of some sort. Turn my head and I see my mother standing there in a red dress, that's sorta torn in places, and she had no feet, just long trails of vapor where her legs should have been. That's exactly when the trip ended, and I came back to reality for good. It was an incredible experince, very incredible. I don't think I'll be trying it again for some time though, I don't think I'm quite ready. Seeing your mom when you haven't even met her really freaks a nigga out.


Well-Known Member
I had a fucked up experience last night on 20X,i literally thought i had died and there was all these 'entities' around me,words really dont do it justice it was so intense,quite scary,i still cant quite comprehend wat happened.
Ah, I love it when people git this vision.
It will in time become a point of strenght for you.

Think about how it felt. Now think about realy dieing and wht your life has amounted to up to this point.would you like the only memories of who you were to be what people have in there heads right now. Or, do you want to live up to your innate dreams and potential?

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
not that i would do this or reccomend but i wonder what effect salvia would have if you used it already on shrooms or lsd? i was also wondering if a large amount could be eaten for a different longer effect?


New Member
Well the last few days have been strange here. I went into a fit the other day and thought I was dying. I had Sam (my wife) crying next to me thinking the same. I tryed this legal drug over here called Sylvia. I loaded the joint and had a bad trip on it, it was my first time I tried anything like this I was layed in bed and went into a trance, it was so real. I felt my body dying. I was going though a spiral but knowing everything going on. I then felt myself come out my body and at that point I though it was the end of me. I started to scream, I didn't want to but it just happened and I never wanted to. As that alerted Sam I started shouting out I was dying. It really scared me m8! I then felt I was in a middle of a battle between good and evil. The evil was dragging me down to dye and the good was bringing me alive. I even se angels grabbing me and pulling me up! it was all so real. This went on for about 1hour. Sam was in pieces as she thought I was really dying. Anyway I finally felt sam pull me back and I heard a voice say 'its not your time yet you and sam have many more years left, you have to lose weight and also help sam to and also stop smoking' . with that I was conscous again and fine. I felt so spiritual and cry after what just happened, it wasn't a sad cry though it was a happy cry. Every sinse I have now gone on to a diet with me and sam and I have cut down from 20 cigarette's to 10. I and now feeling more positive and clear. I will never smoke that stuff again it just frightened me to much. My life is on the up make and I am going to make things better. I know this seems strange but its all true guys!


Well-Known Member
I would rather get a swift kick in the nuts than smoke salvia. Eat mushrooms, smoke DMT, take mescaline. If you are lucky enough to get LSD then do that.


Well-Known Member
How would you sell that 'yo man my buddy has dank nut shots,straight from algerian soccer players! This shits legit! 15$ a shot!'...I'm sure some whacko will buy


Well-Known Member
surely... some people have a fetish of getting their nuts kicked. I've met a lot of hookers....

Also, I finally tried salvinorin A late last night, and didn't have a horrible experience! It wasn't good or bad... just very strange. The only bad part was when I came back to, and I got really hot and uncomfortable, which also happened when I smoked salvia years ago. As for the trip... When it first started coming on, I felt something split my body directly in half. That forced me to close my eyes, and at that very moment, I lost any concept of anything!. I was now in a pure black existence. I could sense that there were tons of other beings in this blackness with me. Not sure how I could sense this, it was just a sense... And we were all completely confused, and wanted to try and find a way out of this shit. The way we did this was we all worked together to sort of fold our entire reality like a piece of paper or something... fold it onto itself and then we would be in another layer of this place. I don't know how else to describe it. Folding layers is the only way lol. Eventually after doing this multiple times, I somehow became aware of my right kneecap... but I had no clue wtf it was. Then I noticed my hand was on my kneecap, but still had no fucking idea what any of it meant. After that, my eyes opened, and I was staring at this enormous, strange machine that looked completely unfamiliar. It had two sides, and started moving up and down.

I finally realized it was my body! Fucking crazy. I was sitting on my couch looking at my legs moving. They looked fucking huge. Miles and miles and miles. After that, I just felt weird for a while and was thinking what the hell just happened, and it came back in waves less and less intense/confusion. Slow comedown.... but after an hour I was straight.

Never thought I'd say it... but I'm actually going to do this again. Maybe during the peak of a mushroom trip will make it even more bizarre. The part that sucks is the 45 minute comedown. I had to strip naked because my clothes were terribly uncomfortable. I'll never forget that moment when I was looking at my legs in complete awe.


Well-Known Member
o one day me and my friends are skating at the skatepark and someone says lets go buy some salvia! i had never done it and i wanted to trip out so i was down three of us pitched like ten bucks and got a gram of some 20 or 30x so we go back to the skatepark and i smoke some first,,upon exhale all the people standing in front of me morphed into a fleshy colored wall and it pretty much felt like i floated up into the sky and blacked out, when i came to i was waving my arms around in the air and i started to laugh uncontrollably when i realized how hard i was tripping, then i felt hot and uncomfortable and just wanted to go home for like five minutes..needless to say its some weird shit!!! not for me at all