My setup...advice apreciated


Active Member
Here is what I'm looking at. I have a 400watt hps lighting up 9 well do you think this is going to work? I'm trying to convince my growing buddy to invest in some more wattage. We do have a much larger closet but that means I have to move my clothes out of it haha. How high should the light be above the little plants? Right now it is like 4 or 5 inches above the tips of the plants. THANKS!

p.s the closet looks tiny in the pictures but there is a whole other side...I was in the closet when I took the pictures...I reviewed my messege and realized that the pictures looked like i was growing in a box haha



Well-Known Member
you should lift the light, sprouts don't need that much light. I'm pretty sure it can even be bad for them.


Active Member
im no expert but i think unless your 400watt is air cooled or sumtn 4 inches is way too close most people i know have it at 12 and mine is about 20


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure if you put some walls up around it that the 400 watt should be good enough to get a decent yeild. look into sea of green and screen of green sog and scrog. in the growfaq.


Active Member
ha thanks...we just moved it further away...and it fell on our seedlings! no one was hurt your suggesting 12 in or more


Well-Known Member
You should probably think about putting some duct tap on the clear cups since if any light touches the roots they'll die. Or at least something to make sure no light gets threw.


Active Member
i would just start it at about 20 get a thermometer and watch theplants if they start stretchin move the light down there can be a lot of variations but i dont think you want it any closer than 12 inches