My shizzi!


Well-Known Member
Iron (Fe) is a key catalyst in chlorophyll production and is used in photosynthesis. A lack of iron turns leaves pale yellow or white while the veins remain green. Iron is difficult for plants to absorb and moves slowly within the plant. Always use chelated (immediately available to the plant) iron in nutrient mixes.



Well-Known Member
Iron (Fe) is a key catalyst in chlorophyll production and is used in photosynthesis. A lack of iron turns leaves pale yellow or white while the veins remain green. Iron is difficult for plants to absorb and moves slowly within the plant. Always use chelated (immediately available to the plant) iron in nutrient mixes.


Will be getting "Just Iron" nutrient supplement. I have a whole house water filtration system. So I remove metals and shit like plants get natural potassium because my system flushes with potassium chloride.



Well-Known Member
I made a mistake. Sorry. Iron is best absorbed at 6 and below, but even up to 7.0 it shouldn't be an issue.

Also how efficient a plant absorbs iron affects that range. I have no clue if MJ is iron efficient or inefficient though. Most of the time its pretty hard to fuck up the soil ph though. As long as you're not over-ferting it shouldn't become a big issue. Hopefully your plant is just "odd" and your ph isn't out of whack.


Well-Known Member
I made a mistake. Sorry. Iron is best absorbed at 6 and below, but even up to 7.0 it shouldn't be an issue.

Also how efficient a plant absorbs iron affects that range. I have no clue if MJ is iron efficient or inefficient though. Most of the time its pretty hard to fuck up the soil ph though. As long as you're not over-ferting it shouldn't become a big issue. Hopefully your plant is just "odd" and your ph isn't out of whack.

My water has a PH naturally in the high 7's, when I add my fish emulsion it brings down the PH to the mid 5's or so. The soil I use is PH balanced from the I don't think its a PH thing, I actually think it is a lack of IRON. I have other plants that this is happening to here and there and I know for a fact that my filtration system in my house removes all kinds of junk in the water....I am going to try some IRON and see. if it doesnt help then I will start with the PH.

Also, pics to come at the end of the week as I again am out of town.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
My strawberry, the buds are green n healthy...shes been flowerin since 1-30, about 4 weeks and I have strawberry cough:weed: Although if she is turnin too early please do advise. TYIA.



Well-Known Member
Strawberry mom that DOES need more water, i know...irrigation system isn't cutting it. plus I will Transplant her tomorrow to a bigger permanent pot.:joint::hump: I did water her with some nutes and she is totally bouncing back, she did in fact need to be watered.



Well-Known Member
I have transplanted the strawberry cough that needed water, she is doing great in her permanent home, very lush and full. I cut 3 clones from her and the carmelicious, so I hope they take, they been rotting out on me...also got different rooting gel.

I have also dosed each plant with Iron to help with the Fe deficiency I am experiencing.

I was also given a NYCD clone today, so when she reaches my lights I will flower and pray she is a she.:weed: