My sister stole my ganja so i stole it back help!!!

Sounds like alot we're not getting here. How old are you? Maybe she thinks you're too young to be smoking? Because I know public school just started.
she prlly doesnt care if you smoke she just wants you stop spendin your money on weed and gettin high all the time and get a job and get the fuck out of her apartment lol
Do you pay rent? Maybe she's pissed because she's paying your room and board, and you're spending all your money on weed. Just speculating.
I guess she also may not want weed in the house because she knows she can't help herself...

It is wrong of her to steal from you and she needs to learn some self restraint.

On the other hand, it is her apartment and you're kind of rubbing her nose in your habit.

I think it'd just be better for you not to smoke in the house or not take back such large quantities, or just keep your weed on your person in smaller amounts. I know people are going to call me a nutcase but I always have my weed on me in case my dad decides to 'investigate' my room again.

Okay, maybe don't do that and get caught or it'll be on my conscience forever -_-;

Get one of those mini safes for cheap when you're out of the house for your own peace of mind even after confronting her. Regardless of what it is she shouldn't steal from you.

Even runnig outside to smoke? Or smoke out of your window. I've done it for the last 3 years.
Look back when I lived at my moms shhit I wasn't allowed to smoke so I just didn't do it at home. It was my moms house and shit her rules, she paid the bills. Man I got off my ass and got a job..shit at one point I had two, got my own place and smoked as much as I wanted. Its nothing like smoking a blunt while playing x box in the living room or in the kitchen shit or even when you wake up and have wake n bake. Now im older and have my own house shit I got three lovely plants growing in my closet! You gotta grow up man. And yea like the other dude said if u jobless and broke then maybe she tired of supporting u and u spend your last on weed. Time to quit and get a job...even if its Mac donalds.
id tell her to quit going through your stuff.

as for confronting her about the weed, i say you should be smoking out of her bubbler on the couch as she walks in the front door.

or just kill the bitch
Its her house, her rules. Wait till she brings home a boyfriend to put hands on you.
word! i just beat my girlfriends brothers ass last week... he stole weed from me and fucked with my grow. so i beat his ass. slashed his tires on his new 09 gti rabbit, and i threw his 1500 dollar road bike into the apartment complex pool were some maintenance guy took and is doing who knows what with it.....

dont fuck with your sister... or her boy friend haha
take it back !!!!what she gonna do go to you and saY.... "hey did you steal the weed back that i stole from you and been smoking it behind your back"..... FUK THAT MAN THE FUK UP BOY GROW SOME BALLS FOR FUK SAKES AND EVEN BETTER MOVE THE FUCK OUT GET YOUR OWN PLACE AND GIVE HER THE FINGER THE WHOLE WAY WHILE DOING IT PERIOD . thats what i woud do but yet again that would never happen to me sooo......