My soil wont dry?


Active Member
Hi guys i hav a ramdon question :) Ive got a 3 week old Super Skunk in around a 2L pot. I was suface spaying for the first week, then feed it 500ml with 2.5ml Formulex. Its been 2 week since the first watering & is due another feed, the only problem is the soil hasnt dryed and i dont want to over water it. Also the bottom of her stem started going abit brown, going about a cenimeter up the stem from the soil & was slightly thiner than the rest of her stem, she started leaniing so i tied her to a pencil fora week. Shes stopped leaning now but her stem is still brown. Im wondering if that is her being stressed from somthing and locking out nutrients? Her only 2 leaves showed no sign of dehydration at any point & shes going strong :) I just want to find out for future refrence :) Sound for all the previous help. Happy Growing


Active Member
What kind of soil are you using? You probably need to switch to a soil that drains better or try adding perlite to yours.


Well-Known Member
Start with fans to increase evaporation rate, then look into your medium as mentioned by poster above.

And your container is fairly large for a 3 week old, there aren't enough roots to handle all that wet medium...try using a spray bottle and water only the center til' root ball has formed.

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
Are there any drain holes in the bottom of your pot? I also put a layer of small river rocks in the bottom. They help drainage and keep the soil from washing out the holes.


Well-Known Member
Two leaves? Man, it's way too young to be giving any nutes. You should have it in a small cup or a 4x4x4" little planter where the soil has a chance to dry out. It sounds like it's damping off due to wet soggy soil. They do better if they are looking for water instead of swimming in it. Good luck!


Active Member
Chears for all the advice guys :) Since yesterday the surface of the soil has started drying so ill stop hard watering for few weeks. I dont have any pics im afraid, ill try get 1 today & update you all :) Ooo and im using your average compost from my local gardening shop with around 5% perlite as thats all i had left :/ The pot is a normal plant pot with drainage holes its raised in a dish as are all my plants (I dont like the idea of my babys sat in excess water) Hopfully ive answerd all the questions sorry if i missed anything. Again all advise muchly appreciated ;)


Well-Known Member
Its fucked from stem rot because you originally overwatered and now the medium wont dry because plant isn't drinking it because its dead.


When you water your plant (no pic about your crop) it's realy important to go with the weight of the pot instead the looking of the soil top or the last watering.


Active Member
Okey thank you for the advise hablamos :) *BUDS not to b rude but your chatin shit. without a pic you cant say its stem rot. & i can say for a fact the plant isnt dead because im still seeing new bits growing everyday. Dont go sayin to people there plants dead without seeing it because i coulda cut it down. n yhat woulda wasted my time. Also does any1 know how long it takes for a clone to root in soil without rooting gel? ive kept it in a humidity dome for almost 2 weeks but it still droops if i take it out for to long :/


In my old days, similar situation happen to me, what i did is retransplant the plant (in same size pot) and remplace the bottom wet soil, with new dry soil, the overwater soil will dry a bit. pay attention to the roots be gentle with them.

hope it help you out amigo!!


Well-Known Member
Also does any1 know how long it takes for a clone to root in soil without rooting gel? ive kept it in a humidity dome for almost 2 weeks but it still droops if i take it out for to long :/
I have clones that have taken 2 weeks WITH rooting gel so I cant imagine how long it might take without it, although it is certainly possible. Your plants are drooping outside the dome because they haven't established a strong enough root system yet to uptake water and so the plant still relies on high humidity to keep going.


Active Member
Thanks guys the soil has dryed out quite alot now :) When i transplant it ill put it into its final pot :) Ive seen lots of growth over the last few days everything should b fine :) Regarding the clone im happy to keep it in the dome as long as it needs just how would i know whens its nicely rooted? its still grows just very slow, also its vegging under daylight from around 5am then moved under CFL from 5pm to 11pm so it under 18 hours (or more) of light n its starting to show the lil white hairs :/ It was taken from a plant that had been in flower for 3 weeks. Shouldnt the clone go back to vegging? again thank you all :) 1 last Q. Has any1 had any experience with the UFO90 LED light? Would love to know if there any good and if you just use the LED panel or add other lights?