My stealth speaker grow ... Questions

I have created a stealth grow box with great success. I used black plastic bag to line the speaker grill so there are no light leaks. I've lined the interior with a reflective material bought at a hydroponics shop. The current system supports six seedlings which I plan on transplanting outside as soon as weather permits. Does anyone think that transplanting outside from the comfort of the grow box will affect my precious babies?

I'm using a 300 watt replacement CFL bulb, that puppy is bright. I have trouble looking into the box sometimes cause it's as if God lives in there. I'm using Miracle Grow potting soil for these first six because that's all I had at the time. I have since upgraded to SunShine Organic Planting Mix. Would it be harmful to transplant the seedlings I have now into the organic medium?

I have attached some pictures of my current set up.

Also this is my first post I have been reading threads here for a while I just finally decided to start posting.



Active Member
Hey man Loks execllent i would slow down on the waterings to every other day or even every3rd day the look pretty wet. I like the Box tho man great work. The plants look a bit stretched and weak. I would add some more CFL lights they are cheap.
Hey man Loks execllent i would slow down on the waterings to every other day or even every3rd day the look pretty wet. I like the Box tho man great work. The plants look a bit stretched and weak. I would add some more CFL lights they are cheap.
Yeah I was thinking of getting a socket splitter and putting another one of those big CFLs in. I've been watering everyday, I'll try cutting back a little see if that helps. I've been using a weak concentration of FloraNova veg nute as well.


Active Member
nice dude, im about 2 start my own speaker grow 2, ill upload a few pics shortly, where are your fans?? im plannin on exhausting out the top and intake through front behind speaker grill
nice dude, im about 2 start my own speaker grow 2, ill upload a few pics shortly, where are your fans?? im plannin on exhausting out the top and intake through front behind speaker grill
I placed a fan on the outside on the top corner in the back exhausting out and the intake is at the bottom corner on the other side. It's pretty efficient my temp stays constantly at 75. I used a drill bit piece that I used to drill a perfect hole and slid a PVC pipe in there and it fit snugly. 3 and a half inch holes I believe, and i'm using a four inch fan. It's not as efficient as it could be but i'm happy with it.


Active Member
ok sounds gd 2 me, im on a tight budget myself n my speaker is defiantely smaller height wise than ur's, plannin on using a 4'inch pc fan 4 exhaust, dnt kno if i would need an intake or nt, the grow is small.
I figured I would update my progress. I have created another box that sits horizontal for my seedlings and decided to try and grow a full sized plant in my speaker. It's already starting to put off a distinguishable smell throughout the room. I'm going to attempt to make a cheap carbon filter soon to combat those lovely odors. The biggest plant is only about 7 inches tall but it's very bushy and has a very thick stalk. Let me know what you guys think.

