My tangies will not go into flower help please

Hey all I need help. My tangies will not flower. They are showing sex two little pistols white.... but every morning I see new growth lollipoped them, good trim etc... I have a purp Mr.nice and GSC they both are In week two of flower..I don't get it....... thanks


Well-Known Member
Yeah first 2 weeks of flower isnt like real flower me personally i consider week 3 as the first week of actual flower, if there showing sex your good just keep em on 12/12.
Swisha thank you.. I'm doing outdoor so it gets direct like from 730-8 till bout 630-7... yea it has two tiny pistols popping up but really no sign of's only a 9-10 week flower

Fish-man Dan

Active Member
First two weeks is whats known as, the transition. That process can take anywhere from 7-21 days depending on strain.I have a Tangie going right now as well, in her fourth week of flower. Happy growing!:bigjoint:
Here is what I come out to every morning with these two.. light neon green which means new growth... like I said two pistols on each node sum turning orange.. was feeding it bloom to try help flip it..


First two weeks is whats known as, the transition. That process can take anywhere from 7-21 days depending on strain.I have a Tangie going right now as well, in her fourth week of flower. Happy growing!:bigjoint:
I have had these doing this for a couple weeks.. just had to do a trim on it cuz it was reproduceing to much new growth.... if it's ok can I see a pic of ur tangie.. I'm outdoor growing...

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i would keep them 90% on the bloom nutes, i'd keep giving them small amounts of N till you see them set bud, just so your leaves don't drop too early
Hey guys so I been o so patient waiting and finally they flipped... the tangies are in flower.. thank u bud God's and everyone on here for the help....