my thoughts while stoned....


Well-Known Member
I might be wrong,but the way I understood this "bail out" plan for wall street would cost each tax payer like 2,300$. I don't understand why we can't pull together and get weed legalized. I mean for real they could make the money to put wall street back on. I feel now is the time, shit its gonna cost me either way right. I would rather pay a weed tax to the goverment to put them ceo's back in there offices instead of paying some made up shit they gonna hit us with. So when the goverment buys all these forclosured homes turn them things into some grow houses hire people to maintain them. I don't know if it would solve all the problems but it would sure help deal with them all right. Think about it like this u take a case of beer that can be equal to ounce and break down like this:
6 pack=1/4 ounce
12 pack=1/2 ounce
18 pack= 3/4 ounce
24 pack= 1 ounce
Then u could go to like a bar and by single grams like single beers.Them idiots in the goverment can't see this is what america needs to pull its self out the hole.Grocery sales would go up cause everyone got the munchies. Then that would have people buying fuel to get to the munchies,or down to the local gov ran smoke shop. The convience of getting good quality bud all day every day is worth the extra tax no? Just some silly thoughts sounds good or i am really high. later


Well-Known Member
I can't understand why they don't just let these companies fail. They're not commercial banks. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
they make more money with herb illegal than i think they would legalizing ti thanks to the prison industrial complex


Well-Known Member
AIG, Freddie, Fannie are basically 'invested into' by government officials and bankers in my opinion.../why should their Companies fall when the rest of america is going into a "financial crisis"?? /sarcasam


Well-Known Member
AIG, Freddie, Fannie are basically 'invested into' by government officials and bankers in my opinion.../why should their Companies fall when the rest of america is going into a "financial crisis"?? /sarcasam

Yep...they're the true puppet masters. If the FED didn't bail them out alot of shit would hit the fan.