My Very First Grow


Well-Known Member
Both plants are now really close to flowering... am waiting for my red spectrum bulb to arrive which should be here in the week. As soon as I have it i'm gonna switch to 12/12... latest pic of both plants attached. One needed watering so looks a little droopy.



Well-Known Member
You won't be able to see them in this new pic, but they have got tiny thin white hairs near the top of both plants which I'll take snapshots off once they are more apparent. Couldn't get a good enough shot to show them I'm afraid...

can anyone tell me is this definite proof that they are female?

p.s. have posted pic in gallery as it wouldn't upload to here for some reason... 'NOW FLOWERING SHIVA'


Yes, if your sight is true, they are indeed female. the usually show at the tops, all mine did.


Well-Known Member
but i remain optimistic for now... i truly hope they are... both plants are getting fuckin huge!


Well-Known Member
HEY DUde ive read your whole thing and its really good and intresting and well written and shit. Ive started some seedlings aswell and i was wondering were your growroom is? like is it in some wooden box or just in an open room?


Well-Known Member
my grow room is a hand built box big enough for 2 plants only made out of white melamine which has a door on front and ventilation for suckin air in and blowing it out... it is in my garage!

p.s. thanks for the compliment! Hope you enjoyed it! I guess more than anything it's been really useful having this journal to refer back to!


Well-Known Member
Hi all, yeah I know it's been a few days since I posted my journal so here goes... after running another thread after a mild panic attack of droopy leaves and ill-looking plants, I'm pleased to say they have fully recovered their droop-time thanks to help from 'babygro' and his words of wisdom...

With lights out to 12/12 and a cold spell here in the UK, my plants metabolic rate slowed and upon watering they showed signs of severe overwatering... they hadn't been overwatered, but because the cold had slowed their metabolism, they took in much less water than they would normally need and thus drooped like a couple old grannies mammaries...

that said... everything is now looking skyward, they are full of white hairs, both definitely female and fully on their way towards harvest time...

as soon as they are worth a pic or two, believe me, they will come!!!


Well-Known Member
Well - now 3 weeks and 3 days into flowering! Pic attached! Tiny little crystals visible to the eye now though probably not visible in these photos.

One of the plants (pic not shown) looks like it's getting very dry near the very top as the now goldeny yellow pistels look like they are curling up a little and look a little dried out, basically they just don't look as healthy as the ones in this photo. Will get a pic if it doesn't pick up soon.

If anyone has any tips to increase yield then anything appreciated!

Getting close now!



Well-Known Member
If anyone has any tips to increase yield then anything appreciated!
Delighted to see your plants have recovered from their droopiness and I'm pleased to have been of some assistance. They're looking good.

Regarding yield increasers, there's plenty on the market, but it depends on what feeds you've been giving them and whether you want to go organic or not. I've been using biobizz organic nutrients and they do a product called Topmax, but Canna also do a good range, which is also organic or Advanced nutrients also do some interesting products allthough they're not organic.


Well-Known Member
4 weeks and 3 days into flowering... hope you like... I don't think this is too bad for a single 200W envirolite and my first ever grow.
Looking good Shiva looking good. Should get some nice homegrown bud off those :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the compliment. Yeah am looking forward to it now.... a few more weeks and then some but will be well worth it!


Well-Known Member
4 weeks and 3 days into flowering... hope you like... I don't think this is too bad for a single 200W envirolite and my first ever grow.
They look great!
I am flowering 1 plant using 5 45w clf's and i just took some pictures the other day. Looks like we started flowering at about the same time. If you want something to compare your buds to you can check out the pictures in my gallery.