My worm castings have that ok?


Active Member
So i was transplanting into my final pot today and adding my worm castings when i noticed there are worms living in there! is this ok? i hope none got in my soil but i never noticed this and i've used the bag a few times already. Its possible small worms got into my other pots. will they hurt the roots at all?


Active Member
whew thanks guys feel much better! on an off topic but still marijuana related, my strawberry d-lite became root bound. Her roots started coming out of the drainage holes and she's only in her 6th week veg. I have repotted her from a jiffy to a 1 gal then to the 3 gal that she's now rootbound in. and she's a small bushy plant but doesn't seem the size to become rootbound. Well i just repotted her into a 5 gal and then i'll be taking her into flower in 2-3 weeks.



Well-Known Member
I have a sister who has a worm farm. She harvests worm castings and worm tea too. Having little worms means your castings are fresh. They're a good thing.

Yeah Right

Active Member
Ok, Slurpy I've got a worm bin going now for my future gardens, indoors and out. Plus, it's a greener thing to do. My question for you is....What are you feeding that bushy specimen in the pic? She's thick.


Active Member
just fox farm grow big and big bloom. about 15% worm castings mixed with soil and perlite. Added molasses to last 2 feedings.

the strain is a cross between strawberry cough x NYC Diesel. Description says that it grows short to medium so guess thats why its so bushy. Also says its very pungent with i can agree even just in veg she's potent