Myco in Coco


Well-Known Member
I'm sure this question has been brought up countless of times. Stone me if it pleases u. I don't mind getting stoned. So is myco in it's general sense beneficial? If so do u guys have product recommendations?


Active Member
it is probably the most crucial aspect of organic growing. Beneficial microbes allow healthy absorption of nutrients/oxygen/water. just give them natural food like kelp meal and your roots will thank you.
There are many products out there to choose from, i like the fine powder myco but just go for whats cheap. I wouldn't pay more than 50$ but there are some like Great White myco which is like 100$ or something.
If you have a hydroponic store they will have it for sure but you might have to ask an employee. Since its so expensive they keep it behind the counter sometimes

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice man. I heard great white wasn't that great because it had stuff that counter act each other. So coco works like soil?