Mylar Or Black/white Poly 6 Mil


Active Member
I am setting up my grow room and have been reading a ton of these threads but I have yet to find one that compares Mylar and Black/white poly. Which is the best? I know the Black/white poly 6 mil thickness reflects over 90% of the light how much does mylar reflect?

Thanks in Advance for you answers and help.....


Well-Known Member
Black/White... called Panda Film here... is my favorite. Very durable, and very light proof. You might need 2 layers to black out a window but you'll be glad when you're trying to do it with that not mylar.


Active Member
Thanks for the input I had pretty much made up my mind to use the Black/white poly because it is 3 times thicker than the mylar but it was nice to hear others with the same opinion...


Well-Known Member
I know you want everything perfect, but it really doesn't matter. A few percentage difference is all. Whatever you prefer/have access to, etc.

I like Panda Film on the bottom and up about a foot higher than the top of my biggest pots so I can wipe down dirt that gets splattered on the walls and then Mylar up above that.