Mystery Bud Bubbleponics Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey man girls look great. My my what stretch they are showing at this part of their life. Well I think you are deff safe to say you are growing a sativa Dom strain. You are deff going to get a great yield out of those girls. Keep it up.


yeah cool i will watch and learn you got what i wanna set up i will watch yours so i no what to do . hey by the way you arnt going to leave those middle holes open are you ?you need to plug or use them to keep out light stop pothegens and the top of the rock wool shouldnt be exposed to light because its allways wet and gets nats so cover up [sand is good] just puuting in some things that could fuck you up there brah


Well-Known Member
yeah cool i will watch and learn you got what i wanna set up i will watch yours so i no what to do . hey by the way you arnt going to leave those middle holes open are you ?you need to plug or use them to keep out light stop pothegens and the top of the rock wool shouldnt be exposed to light because its allways wet and gets nats so cover up [sand is good] just puuting in some things that could fuck you up there brah
Haiz mullup. The buckets are covered with 2" foamboard layered with foil tape. The "bald spots" in the screen aren't really so bald anymore lulz. I figure the next few days and it'll be prettier. Rockwool is dry and sterile for surez tho ;) Thanx for checkin out my thread!

The "spout" part of the buckets arent open to light. We cut the foamboard in circles wide enough they sit on the lip towards the top part of the buckets. Light-proofed, but from the pics they look open. No worriez


Well-Known Member
They looking good. You are going to have hella bud!!!! Hopefully some more bud sites make it through the screen.
Supz Conspiracy. I had a whole bunch of txt written out, but the damn screen keeps making me refresh and I lost it all :*( The screen is pretty nearly covered for the most part except for the outer edges. I'd say 80% or more of the bud sites are above the screen now. We're expectin them to fluff up now that most of our product is upper-canopy. Exciting shtuff :D


Well-Known Member
Hey man girls look great. My my what stretch they are showing at this part of their life. Well I think you are deff safe to say you are growing a sativa Dom strain. You are deff going to get a great yield out of those girls. Keep it up.
Thanx Penyajo. Total heighth for the 2 bigger females is around 4' tall and roughly 2' wide on average. They did stretch alot at first, but the last couple of days it's been mostly the WIDE growth and not so much the TALL growth. We still have 2' or so of headroom left, but hopefully we wont need it. The different strains make the screen uneven, but they're all growing uniformly even, just not with each other lulz.


Well-Known Member
Flower Day 20

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Quick update for you all ;) The ladiez grew maybe 3" taller over the past couple of days. They seem to be loving the nute mix. Nice color and the smell is getting stronger lulz. You open the chamber and its like WOOF in the face. Comforting? I think so! The bud sites are swelling up significantly. They're starting to meet each other on the individual limbs. Or rather an easier way to explain it would be to say that the clusters of flowers on the lower part of the branch are growing upwards and stretching to meet other clusters of flowers higher up ;) We've had to do some slight LST'ing with some of the taller ones. They're about 8" away from the light at this point, but we have them propped up as well. Shouldn't be a big deal. Just lean them over a little bit and should be good to go:D Oh yea..we did do some reorganizing of the ventilation system. We got another small oscillating fan to put up in the top canopy as well as one below in the lower canopy blowing upwards towards the exhaust. Rain here has seemed to stop...hopefully for awhile at least:mrgreen: We also decided we'll be purchasing a 600w grow light with probably an umbrella-type reflector for the flowering chamber. Should be in the next few weeks because we'll be working on starting our next batch in Veg until these girlz finish flowering.

General Info

PH -> 6.5 avg (dropped to 5.4)
Temp -> 77F
Humidity -> 70% (hopefully this will drop to at least 50% in the next week)
PPMz -> 1140 (all the girlz are drinking roughly 1 gallon of water a day)

Thanx for readin this as alwayz. Happy Growing!


Well-Known Member
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Another quick update all. Got some shots of different sites. Mostly what we're seeing is bud sites swelling and expansion. Different flowers for each lady look kinda nifty :D Smell's are intense and different in ways as well. Doing okay from the looks of it. Until next post ;)


Active Member
you should keep those pumps up off the floor in case of a power outage you don't flood your tent from gravity taking over. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Aww yea. Got our beans in the mail for our next batch :D Decided on going with Nirvana Fem'd Bubblelicious and Wonder Woman. Be startin these babies in the next few weeks or so


Active Member
Heat is making my roots a bit tan and slimy - need to implement a rescue - my white widow (lost one) are a smidge buddier and Ive lost 5 of the 10 plants (4 due t shrimpiness and shade / overpowered by bigger plants in a crowded space - and one weirded out on me and turned male. But the widow is showing mass nugs.


Well-Known Member
Im gettin ready to start some bubblicious in a couple of days, ill keep an eye on your grow an see how everything progresses


Well-Known Member
Heat is making my roots a bit tan and slimy - need to implement a rescue - my white widow (lost one) are a smidge buddier and Ive lost 5 of the 10 plants (4 due t shrimpiness and shade / overpowered by bigger plants in a crowded space - and one weirded out on me and turned male. But the widow is showing mass nugs.
Damn Demon. That post has some depressing vibes to it :( I'm glad your Widow is doing about the 5 you lost tho :*( Hope you figure out your slime problem. Maybe you can try wrapping your reservoirs better? Lemme know and thanx for checkin in on my thread!


Well-Known Member
Im gettin ready to start some bubblicious in a couple of days, ill keep an eye on your grow an see how everything progresses
Supz Fabiz. We're prolly gonna SCROG the Bubblelicious in one room and me and the wife are gonna do the Wonder Woman in another ;) Same strains = muchos easier we thinx lulz


Active Member
Dont give up on me yet Mineralz, Im hangin in there. I overcrowded the space so the losses are semi expected, if not understood. What it does is opens up fantastic light penetration where there was some lacking. Survival of the fittest. Im responsible for a collapse and death of one of the BubbleIce plants - probably one of the more healthier ones - it was a heartbreaking moment. CO2 cult bag came from its attachment and fel onto it and broke it in half. I spliced the base of the stalk and did a rescue, we'll see if it roots and survives - the other experiement I did with these plants and another broken main, survived and is budding. So, it does have depressing tones, first time grower blues, learning a lot, and the 5 that are left are 3+ feet tall and thriving. The WW looks insane. Cant wait to share new pics. Have to admit, with the underdogness of my posts as of late (close to disaster grow) Id rather hold out a litle more and then win some respect back with some big BA-BAM's! ;) Give me two weeks...


Well-Known Member
Dont give up on me yet Mineralz, Im hangin in there. I overcrowded the space so the losses are semi expected, if not understood. What it does is opens up fantastic light penetration where there was some lacking. Survival of the fittest. Im responsible for a collapse and death of one of the BubbleIce plants - probably one of the more healthier ones - it was a heartbreaking moment. CO2 cult bag came from its attachment and fel onto it and broke it in half. I spliced the base of the stalk and did a rescue, we'll see if it roots and survives - the other experiement I did with these plants and another broken main, survived and is budding. So, it does have depressing tones, first time grower blues, learning a lot, and the 5 that are left are 3+ feet tall and thriving. The WW looks insane. Cant wait to share new pics. Have to admit, with the underdogness of my posts as of late (close to disaster grow) Id rather hold out a litle more and then win some respect back with some big BA-BAM's! ;) Give me two weeks...
Nah man..I'm not that kinda person lulz. I have the UTMOST faith in ya to be surez. I'm a newb too so I'm tryin to make do and learn what I can when I can. I got tha respect thing on the to-do list too haha. You are right tho man. I only have 4 going and I already shoot myself in the foot for not doing something that should have been done THEN and NOW I'm like "wtf was I thinking. I knew that was gonna happen lulz" I'd just be thrilled if my girlz make it all the way to the end. A lot can happen in 5-6 more weeks ya know? Nywayz, good luck with the healing process. Hope it works out for you, but I'd understand if it didnt. Shit happens and we adapt ;) Thanx for swingin by man. Alwayz a pleasure!


Is that a sativa dominent strain minz? just wondering..wanted to see if i learned anything lol..because those leaves look lonngggg and skinny..


Well-Known Member
Everything coming along real nicely over here.. Keep up the good work Mineralz. Oh yea.. I see you got some bubblelicious seeds hmmm i wonder if i helped you make that choice lol... I also have to agree with beewfurd about the plants looking more sativa dominant it might take a lil longer to finish but they are looking great.