Myth Buster in Action

hey kev heres a update for you lol 216 clones tooken by day 13 of these plants


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kev i go form 1 inch trays to 4 " for a week force root growing then into final medium like pp power on this thread
watered tonight 1250 ppm plants are doin awesome will update pics there getting big :)) :clap:


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This grow is looking amzazing. Never really had alot faith in MG before seeing this

yea there really taking off thinking the secret is bottom feeding also adding a cup of water on top and letting medium dry up
plan was to go 4 weeks veg but thinking flipping them at 3 1/2 weeks ?? way plants are goin.
Plants should be 24 - 28 " tall i am guessing giving me a final height of 52 - 60"


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amazing how there taking off heres a pic from when i started and like 16 days later my wifes jaw nearly dropped when she saw them lol she looks at them once a week :mrgreen:


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little update day 17 girls growing like mad going on flower day 24 i think peeps :clap:


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Holy crap, you have your hands full, don't ya? Looking good though, excellent job. Should be lots of fun, come harvest time...... :cool:
thanks guys just to let you all know took me like 2 3/4 hrs to water last time and 140 litres of food :)) i got to figure out something better when it comes to watering.
Every day now i'm moving plants apart and spreading lights apart if temps keep up might add another 2 - 3000 watts more in flowering my temps are maintaing 84 degrees humididty 55 - 65 perfect for Veg
ok some more updates :)) gave them a shot of 1500 ppm C02 last night heres some pics before lights on today


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IM USING THE EXACT SAME SOIL. seriously though, i mixed a 8qt bag of Miracle Grow's Organic Choice (the kind you have on the first page), with a 8qt bag of Miracle Grow's Perlite.

Doing great i must say, i had some heat issues that have since been resolved and my plants recovered within days. their looking completely healthy and you can barely see where they suffered.

I like to let the soil dry out completely, til the point the ladies leaves start bowling and then i water them that night. im using Miracle Grow All Purpose 24-8-16 nutes. and ya.

IM USING THE EXACT SAME SOIL. seriously though, i mixed a 8qt bag of Miracle Grow's Organic Choice (the kind you have on the first page), with a 8qt bag of Miracle Grow's Perlite.

Doing great i must say, i had some heat issues that have since been resolved and my plants recovered within days. their looking completely healthy and you can barely see where they suffered.

I like to let the soil dry out completely, til the point the ladies leaves start bowling and then i water them that night. im using Miracle Grow All Purpose 24-8-16 nutes. and ya.


you know it man do the ame here let soil dry out real good and when its watering time i also bottom feed thats the secret ;))