Myths In Weed Are They True

Dr. Haze

Well-Known Member
lmao just gotta keep the E away from them untill all the males are dead! wouldnt want any premarital sex! lmao!


And e pills for ze plants?! I doubt we want to have a horny plant on our hands, or it'll try to bully the other females into becoming hermies! Or lesbians. Buts hey, still could be an idea.
Crush an e, dilute in water, stick into soil/hydro, wait about 1-2 days, and try it out.
(Would be a hell of a great way to lace things.)
lemon juice messes with ph


Active Member
lemon juice messes with ph

WHich is why you'd best do it, if you were to, the day right before harvesting. I mean, really once everything's been normally develloped and so on.
It would normally seep up into the roots and get into some of the buds without any damage, especially if it's such in a short lapse of time.


Active Member
All except for the 1st one and the last one I know are a myth.
It's not really a black light I'm not sure what kinda light exactly, but I have accidentally seen my mom's setup before and she had a light that was similar to one....
Never really asked her about it lol.

I've heard of people dehydrating their plants to increase thc but I never heard of someone thinking dirty bong water is healthy for a plant lol.
&&I used lemon juice to make my hair blonder and to tone it and it's platinum blond now so idt that would be too healthy either if it dyes hair haha.
I had to dye carnations with food coloring before for the school dance in adv. plant &soil in high school.... But I'm thinking it would probably turn your stem different colors before the buds...
You can mix drugs with MJ;
Like opium &weed is fun=]
But I wouldn't advise throwing coke all over a plant and expect to speed when you can smoke it lol.