N00b Help Please?


Active Member
Hey everyone just joined after poking around for a couple weeks, eitherway I've been trying to determine the sex of my plants, I've got 2 plants growing outdoors. their over a month old... their not short and bushy like the one I see most commonly on these forums, any reasoning? or is it just the type?

eitherway I was hoping for maybe some outside input, I'm not an idiot and I know these are stupid constantly repeated questions But you guys are the experts not myself. so I thought I'd give it a shot...

any idea how much one could yield per plant? I know you'd just be guessing but yours is better than mine I'm really quite ignorant on the subject since I'm a first timer...

Thanks everyone, Chris

sorry for the lack of rotation, hope the neck wont hurt...

I think one is male and one is female... I'll take better ones later...


Active Member
Thanks, think I should flower?
what kind of flour setup do you think i'd want for these two, when I put them on the 12-12?


Well-Known Member
The kind you bake with...lol(flour) Nah but aren't they outdoor plants? Or are you going to put them inside?


Well-Known Member
its a common question, male or female, (more than common) your plant isn't far along enough yet, those arent preflowers I beleive they are stomata, if you do lst or top you learn that those are only little leaves if you get enough light to them they stretch out into branches. your plant needs to develop ALOT more. you could force flowering but it wouldnt be worth it, a more mature plant will produce more potent buds and a greater amount of them. what you need to look for is two tiny white hairs coming out of a pear, too see this preflower you'll need a lil scope (you cant see with just the naked eye for quite awhile) you can get a scope that goes 30x which is enough to see preflowers and trichs (I think) from radio shack for 12 bucks 100x for not too much more. it will come in handy when harvesting because you need to look close at your crystals to determine a good time to harvest. also just that 12-15 dollar investment will help you weed out males earlier, get you that all girl set so you can put all your attention towards them sweet bud givin ladies.


Active Member
thanks I appreciate the tip on the potential investment as far as the magnifying goes.
I may take a clone of each, to get them on their way....

their both from seed, so I guess it will take more time to let them develop...


Active Member
Asking about yield is like asking if you will live to C 50yo:spew:.....who knows? Live a good life, don't eat to much junk:joint::joint:, did u inherit bad genetic thingies...? Same with the planties - If you want you can grow a 4lber outside - 4lb of what:confused: I don't know but it is possible...
Firstly, if your genetix are wrong, no amount of coaxing will increase yield - are these of good stock/gentix for yield?
To me they look like nice, early summer plants, bit stretched but then that happens here early season outside...Wait till you can determine sex, pre-flowering may take a long while yet, look after them, mb get them into bigger pots once they are over 6 weeks old..GL!!

PS - check my gallery to C a high yield variety..


Active Member
Their Bag seeds from a good strand, as far as yield I dont have a clue. My concern is the with the fact that I may not be able to keep them in their current spot indefinitely...

Appreciate the reply's, I knew most of the info would be shots in the dark... but people gave it a shot anyways.


Well-Known Member
Their Bag seeds from a good strand, as far as yield I dont have a clue. My concern is the with the fact that I may not be able to keep them in their current spot indefinitely...

Appreciate the reply's, I knew most of the info would be shots in the dark... but people gave it a shot anyways.
Welcome & enjoy..the 1st pic, on the rear left side it "looks" like a pistil (female sex), but not quite sure...you've got time...If you can't afford or get a magnifying glass go to $ store and by the strongest reading glasses that they have.. 225 - 275..I found that out by mistake, works well..As for flowering, if you do outside you're stuck with the light cycle outside, unless you want to screw around bagging or bringing in plants..You grow outside plant and you force it, you''ll get a pretty meager crop...I'd just let it grow outside and start some inside under full time light..if you want quick weed...IMO
Good Luck

*bigger pots will help a bunch...


Active Member
great thanks, I just know that I'll eventually have to bring them in. at least within the next month. trying to match their outside light their used to with flouro's will be a challenge...

as far as the bigger pots... those are pretty large pots...how big would one expect to have to go ?


Active Member
great thanks, I just know that I'll eventually have to bring them in. at least within the next month. trying to match their outside light their used to with flouro's will be a challenge...

as far as the bigger pots... those are pretty large pots...how big would one expect to have to go ?
Given you will be taking them indoors soon, the pots are fine. If you can plan exactly when you take them inside, getting them to bud will b easy, though i don't know about fluro - can't u get a 400w HPS from some1 for 6-8 weeks? The thing is, when you take them inside, in say 4 weeks, they will b big enough to set the lights to 12/12, roughly @same times as outside, the budding can begin! However, if you use fluro for heading stage, your yeild will be less than is possible..If you are set on using fluro, no probs, just keep things warm and dry..GL!!!

PS - matching outside light is impossible, you can only do your best with what you have..GL again!!