Nanner? Can’t really tell

Good one :dunce: you got me, just tired of seeing some people be passive aggressive on forums when they aren’t included or could better learn to articulate there words so I feel it’s necessary to quote on quote spank you cause your mother didn’t teach you that

It's an online forum. Everyone's included. Your logic is lacking.
Kids 22, of coarse he lives with mommy still. Kids these days don’t move out it seems, they stay there until they inherit a free house when the folks die.
Younger than you but atleast my furniture don’t look like hammy downs that black recliner you got looks like your dad had since he served in world war 2
Younger than you but atleast my furniture don’t look like hammy downs that black recliner you got looks like your dad had since he served in world war 2

My couch most definitely costs more then the car you drive. Bets?

My fuckimg cat probably costs more than your car now that I think about it lulz

I have a brown leather couch that came with my lady. I can't stand that thing. Leather furniture sucks.
Only good thing about leather is it easy to clean, other than that i agree fuck leather.

You know I haven't met a single person that has leather furniture that actually likes it. It's OK at first but after awhile you start to hate it.
Ok so….. I figured since i need to leave the website for a bit I’d let you know so you don’t get mad at me for not responding again. I’ll be back shortly.
Ok so….. I figured since i need to leave the website for a bit I’d let you know so you don’t get mad at me for not responding again. I’ll be back shortly.
Nobody got mad you just continued a conversation 4 hours later to come up with a Witty punch line