National Lotto

How do you feel about a national Lotto?

  • Yes I think it would be a great Idea

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • No, it's cheezy and it stinks

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • maybe it could help

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Too much graft and dishonesty for it to work

    Votes: 4 40.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
if lotteries work why is california in debt?
I don't know. Maybe too many crooks in the mix. There was a period when the schools got a piece of the pie and school programs like after hours sports etc got a huge bump. I guess the politicians along with the lottery commission have absconded with the loot. Something of this magnitude and propensity for stealing cheating assholes to rip off, needs to have severe oversight. I thought school funding was mandated by the Lotto rules. With a national Lotto, there would have to be hard and fast rules for what to do with the money.


New Member
Canadian nickel=worthless
wow, get with the times, not but a few months ago our dollar was worth more. And even now if you bring american money into Canada we will only give you Par for it because it keeps dropping like a rock

shows how much you know

your money used to be worth more until Bush fucked everything up.

One Canadian nickel = 4.84496 US cents.... wow

don't you look like a fool



New Member
I don't know. Maybe too many crooks in the mix. There was a period when the schools got a piece of the pie and school programs like after hours sports etc got a huge bump. I guess the politicians along with the lottery commission have absconded with the loot. Something of this magnitude and propensity for stealing cheating assholes to rip off, needs to have severe oversight. I thought school funding was mandated by the Lotto rules. With a national Lotto, there would have to be hard and fast rules for what to do with the money.
The same thing happened with the California lottery money as happened with the Social Security trust fund; it was used to pay for bloated government programs and graft.

Californians passed the lottery measure with the promise that the money would be used for schools. Another Democrat lie exposed.


PS: The lottery is a tax on the stupid.


New Member
A lottery would just give our government even more money to piss away. I say we cut their pay. That's just as easy.

How about we stop paying past presidents when they leave office. I don't think any of them are in danger of being broke, why should they continue to collect a check. That policy became outdated when the welfare system was put into place.

How about we limit politicians expense accounts too. Do they really need to fly first class, stay in a hotel suite, eat at the best restaurants? No, they can fly coach, stay in a room with a double bed, eat at fucking McDonalds. It's good enough for the rest of us, it's good enough for them.

I got this idea, I'm pretty sure it was from Johnny Organic on another thread. PISS TESTS for politicians. Why is their privacy more sacred than ours?


Well-Known Member
Chuck, you need to stop running your mouth and jamming your foot in it.

Canada Debt

Not falling, Canada has learned the Shell Game from America.

Of course, the United States debt when including unfunded future liabilities is what, around $40 - $60 Trillion?

So we can't insult Canada too much...

What is insulting is that Obama wants to add more to this. If the government can't actually afford the current system, what makes any one think they will be able to afford it if they Expand it?

Living on credit and the earnings of future generations is a Canadian national pastime that extends to all levels of governments. Taking into account the direct debts and unfunded liabilities of all levels of government in Canada, the Canadian national total debt amounts to $3.5 trillion, or about $116,000 for every man, woman and child living in Canada.


New Member
But wait! How about if we sell off all of the national parks to the corporations and let the private sector run them for profit?

The money realized from the sales can be used to pay down the debt. The profit realized by the private sector each year can be taxed and also used to pay down the debt.

Just think of the income from the tens of millions of tourists who go to Yosemite and Yellowstone each year? The revenue from taxing that much corporate income is just mind-boggling!

Wadda Ya all think about that?



Well-Known Member
But wait! How about if we sell off all of the national parks to the corporations and let the private sector run them for profit?

The money realized from the sales can be used to pay down the debt. The profit realized by the private sector each year can be taxed and also used to pay down the debt.

Just think of the income from the tens of millions of tourists who go to Yosemite and Yellowstone each year? The revenue from taxing that much corporate income is just mind-boggling!

Wadda Ya all think about that?

how about we save some real money and cut the military? wtf do we need 52% of the world's military unless we want to fight a war of aggression?


New Member
NO, the national parks belong to the people. It's the only perk we get and now you want to sell them? No fucking way. :fire:

We don't take expensive vacations that we can't afford. We ride around on our bikes to different parks and get high.

Our kids grew up camping and hiking in state parks. They enjoy and respect nature because of it. Stealing even more from the citizens to give to Washinton is the biggest crock of crap ever. :wall:

But wait! How about if we sell off all of the national parks to the corporations and let the private sector run them for profit?

The money realized from the sales can be used to pay down the debt. The profit realized by the private sector each year can be taxed and also used to pay down the debt.

Wadda Ya all think about that?



Well-Known Member
Why don't we need 52% of the world's military spending. There is a large difference between our spending and the spending China per person due to the fact that the average Chinese still only makes $2K/year. The average American makes $46K a year. There is also the fact that our equipment tends to be more expensive, because of the higher value we place on personal life. Targetting military spending is like saying that if you have a dog, you aren't going to feed it and asking "why does it need to be fed".

We have a military because other countries have armed forces and thus the only way to ensure they don't attempt to attack us is to have our own.

As far as wars of Aggression.

I'm thinking that we haven't actually gotten involved in any wars of aggression.

The current Iraq War can be viewed as just a continuation of a prior conflict (1991 - Gulf War, which turned into the No Fly Zone missions (1991 - 2003) which turned into the current War (2003 - ...).

The War in Afghanistan was the direct result of another nation providing aid and comfort to an enemy, and refusing to recognize our legitimate security interests.

Yes, I can understand they were objecting based upon Muslim Hospitality, but if your neighbor was harboring some one that robbed your house, would you not enter your neighbor's house to root them out if the neighbor refused to give them up?

How about, we cut the salary of the president to $40K/yr, the salary of the Senators to $20K/yr, and reduce the salaries of all government officials in proportion to those figures.

That should take a large chunk out of the federal deficit and enable us to actually pay off our debt.


Well-Known Member
But wait! How about if we sell off all of the national parks to the corporations and let the private sector run them for profit?

The money realized from the sales can be used to pay down the debt. The profit realized by the private sector each year can be taxed and also used to pay down the debt.

Just think of the income from the tens of millions of tourists who go to Yosemite and Yellowstone each year? The revenue from taxing that much corporate income is just mind-boggling!

Wadda Ya all think about that?

Not so much vi, the federal parks should be free for the public use. It is public land.


New Member
I keep saying that, cut government salaries. Cut their expense accounts too. Get rid of the limos. They can drive their own car that they bought with their own money and buy the gas out of their own pocket just like the rest of us.

The war in Iraq is GW finishing is daddies pissing contest. I think we need to examine his bank account to see how much money he made off this war and take that money back. Let's not forget interest.

Afghanistan is another bunch of bullshit. Raise your hand if you remember when Russia was in Afghanistan running over villages with tanks and killing the citizens. America came to their aide, funded them, gave them weapons, sent people to help. Russia was run out. 20 years later those fuckers are calling themselves the Taliban and attacking us. We helped them and they turned around and bit us. WTF?

I think it's time we stop trying to be the world police and take care of our own.


New Member
NO, the national parks belong to the people. It's the only perk we get and now you want to sell them? No fucking way. :fire:

We don't take expensive vacations that we can't afford. We ride around on our bikes to different parks and get high.

Our kids grew up camping and hiking in state parks. They enjoy and respect nature because of it. Stealing even more from the citizens to give to Washinton is the biggest crock of crap ever. :wall:
But wait a minute! The national parks, like Amtrak, are a money losing proposition that survive on taxpayer subsidies. So, all of those "cheap" vacations you've been taking have been at the partial expense of other hard working Americans. If we sold the parks, private companies would charge a higher entrance fee for sure ... but just think ... the debt would be paid down and the parks would be run far more efficiently. Worth the extra fee, wouldn't you say?

By the way, my first visit to Yosemite was in 1948. No tourists, no bicycles ... just a few people fly-fishing in the Merced River ... for NATIVE trout. And ... they were lunkers. (the trout, not the people) :lol:



New Member
Parks don't require that much mantinence. I'm sure that plenty of money is "slated" for them and then skimmed off the top.

We like using the parks, we pay taxes so it's our right. If other people want to not use the parks and pay extreme prices to go to places like Vegas or whatever, that isn't my fault.

We have ZERO credit card debt. We always believed that people living way beyond their means would be the downfall of the world and take a look around, I'm a pretty good guesser. WE don't buy anything unless we can buy it outright. (except cars and our house) even then we didn't buy a house larger than what we needed. Why bother, that just adds taxes and insurance costs anyway. Our car has been paid off for close to 5 years now, we're gonna drive it until it dies. No need for an extra payment.


New Member
Hell, keep the National Parks on the federal dole. That's small potatoes. If we return a large portion of federal land back to the tax rolls, and profit from the sale to boot, we will simultaneously diminish the size of government and receive an economic stimulus. Woot woot.


New Member
Not so much vi, the federal parks should be free for the public use. It is public land.
Hey, they had "free" medical for everyone in Romania too ... but people were always trying to escape from there. :lol:

I know its public land, but the country is in dire straits at the moment and we need to raise a LOT of cash. The National Parks would be perfect for a fire sale (no pun intended). Here's the deal ... there's an old adage in real estate: Location, location, location ... And what better locations than the National Parks? :weed:




New Member
Hey, they had "free" medical for everyone in Romania too ... but people were always trying to escape from there. :lol:

I know its public land, but the country is in dire straits at the moment and we need to raise a LOT of cash. The National Parks would be perfect for a fire sale (no pun intended). Here's the deal ... there's an old adage in real estate: Location, location, location ... And what better locations than the National Parks? :weed:


Let's 50 year lease them......